Thursday, May 27, 2021

Three simalar simple machnie

 Fun fact about wheel and axle is that the wheels generally spin in a balanced circle around an axle. Wheel and axel is used to move heavy objects from a place to a another place. Unlike a nail, a screw has spiral grooves down its spike. A screw is pressed down against wood and turned with a screwdriver. The grooves cut into the wood. Screws is to hold luquid into a crate so not luquid would spill. A pulley makes moving heavy loads a lot easier. A single pulley simply changes the direction of an object. Pulley is moving a heavy object from a low place to a high place

Friday, May 21, 2021

The three similar simple michanes

Simple machines help people get their work done faster.  Three similar simple machines are a lever, a wedge  and an inclined plane.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


 Keywords are words that tell a lot of the information from a text.

Friday, May 14, 2021


 Today I leant about keyword.

we read a book about unwanted vistors.

 unwated vistors was one of my keywords because it tells us what the book will tell us about.

 unwanted storways insects was onther of my keywords because it tells us most of the imformation

 Border control was one of my keywords as well because it tells what will the text will tell us about.


Thursday, May 13, 2021


We should use manners to our famly and our freinds and  many other people.

We should use manners to everyone and everywere.

When someone needs help we should use maners and help them.

Examples of manners are:  say please  say thankyou. 

Examples of how to use manners are:  eyecontact polite voice.

We should use manners with everyone and help them if they need help.

Solving Questions

Today we had to solve questions about time.

First we solved our answer.

Then we figured out why that is an anwer.

I am kind of good at it because I already know time.

Simple Machines

 These are simple machines that we found in our school.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Today, I learned about Maori prepositions.

The first preposition was Tenei, which means here.

The second preposition was Tena, which is there.

The third preposition was Tera, which means over there.

It was hard because its my first time to speak in Maori language.


Today we learned how to balance and we took photos of that balancing.

I balanced on the ledge.

In the playground I helped my partner balance on the long thin line.

It was hard because I do not know how to balance.





Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Time difference

 We learnt time difference.

First I subtracted the hours which was 4 hours.

Then I subtracted the minutes which was 35 minutes.

Then I mixed them and the total was 4 hour 35 minutes.

I need to pratice so I can be good at time difference.

Friday, May 7, 2021


 Today we learend maori questions for the classroom.

Our first question was kua marama which means do you understand?

Our second question was kua mutu which means Finished?

I should practice these with my teacher.

Explanation Writing

 I wrote a explanation about why pluto is not a planet. This was to learn the struture of TIMES.

First I wrote what its called if  its not called planet. and I told which year it was found and the color of it.

Then I told them what pluto is made of and why you can not see dwarf planets in space.

Then I told them what dwarf planets are drawf planets are planets that left it is orbit.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Basic Fact boxes

In this challenge, we add up numbers and write correct answers in the boxes. 

 First, I started my challenge and typed quickly.

Then, when I completed, I stopped my timer and made my slide.

Next time, I need to do my work faster.

LI: To revise basic facts. 


Today I learnt time.

First I looked at a mintue hand to  know what mintue has past.

Then I looked at hour hand to know what hour has past.

Then I combined the minute and the hours together to find out answer and the answer is Twelve thirty eight.

It is hard because I have not been practing time.


 I learned that predicting is when you think about something that will happen.

I made prediction about the information in the book Winter Sports 

Prediction is hard because I have not been practicing how to prediction.


Group A learnt how to balance.

In pairs we learnt about balance by standing in different positions and giving eachother a small push.We discovered when we know the push is coming we can prepare to balance better.

We had two teams, two or more people had come across a bench at the same time and not touch the ground. This meant we had to focus on our balance.

In the final activity we had a team of three people and the partners had to hold the person that was standing on the ball so they do not fall. 

I was nervous because I thought that I was gona fall and break a part of my body. 

Simple Machine

Simple Machines are tools to help do simple tasks.

There are 6 Simple Machines


Wheel and Axle



Incline Plain
