Tuesday, November 30, 2021

SSR Selfie

I completed my 'SSR Selfie' task for this week.  I read a chapter called 'Giant Panda ' from the book 'Homework Year 4'.

The giant Panda height is 1.7m and they are found in a mountain, bamboo forest in China.

The male giant Panda weighs 150 kg and they are the most rarest animal.

The giant Panda’s lifespan is over 12 years and their favorite food is bamboo.

I like this task because I got to learn about the rarest animal.

Mobile Puzzle

I completed a task called 'Mobile Puzzle'. In this task I created two different types of Mobile puzzles.

In mobile puzzles you can use different types of shape to both sides the same number.

Firstly, I wrote the first type of mobile puzzle. I was adding up to 80 so I made 4 circles. The circle number was 10 because 10x4=40. On the other side I made 2 squares. The square was the number 20 and 20x2= 40.

Next I wrote the second type of Mobile puzzle. I added up to nothing, but both sides were 100. The left side had a heart shape, the number of the heart was 70. There was a circle shape, the number of the circle was 10. There was a triangle shape, the number of the triangle was 20.

Lastly, the right side was a square shape, the number of the square was 20. There was a diamond, the number of the diamond was 80.

I need to improve my mobile puzzle by making the mobile puzzle hard.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Planting Plants

The instruction below is explaining how to plant vegetables.

Be careful when planting the Radish, you might get the bacteria that is called Legionella longbeachae. You might get very sick and maybe die if you breathe it.



Potting mix 


Use these instruction to plant Radish.


1. Put planting mix into a planting box

 2. Poke a hole in the dirt

 3. Plant the seeds

4. Use water on the dirt so the radish can grow

5. Put it in a place where it can get sunlight to grow.

Now you have a radish plant which will grow in a Radish.


I completed a task called 'Commenting'.

I commented on Enmanuel's blog post. His blog post was about how to plant veggies? I asked him "What type of sickness is caused by Legionella longbeachae bacteria?"

Below is an example of how to make a comment.

Basic fact boxes

 I completed a task called Speed demon challenge in multiplication.

I got 90/90 and completed it in 5 minute and 31 seconds.

I need to improve my level.

Sunday, November 28, 2021


l completed a task called 'HPE'.

First I did 'Bring Sally Up'. I had to choose what exercise I wanted to do. I did Squats.

Next I started the video. It was 3 minute and 35 seconds long.

Then when it said - bring Sally up, I was a little bit up. When it said - bring Sally down I bent down on my knees.

Lastly I ended the video and linked it to my blog post.

I need to improve with squats because my legs were shaking when I stopped the video.


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Fairy Tale

I completed a task called 'Fairy Tale'

Firstly, I chose a story and it was 'Goldilocks'.

Next I wrote down Orientation, Incident, Rising action, Problem, Success-failure.

Lastly, I wrote down what the Goldilocks learnt in Resolution. 

I like this task because it was interesting to find different facts of the fairy tale

Homework book year 4

I completed a chapter called 'Fairy tale' from the book 'Homework Workbook'

Firstly, I read the information that explained me about Fairy tales.

Next I did an activity, in which I have to match the title of the fairy tale with the story of the fairy tale.

Lastly, I did some maths equation that was in the book.

I like this task because I got to do a lots of different activities and I learnt about new fairy tales. 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

SSR Selfie

Today I did a task called 'SSR selfie'.

I read 27 pages of a book called 'Barking Mad'.

Sally and Max were listening to their mother and father. Their mother said 'Grandpa has......’. Max's heart stopped because he thought that his grandpa has died. Then her mother continued talking ‘has gone barking mad’. Sally and Max started laughing because they thought it was a joke but their mother said it is not a joke. Last week he made a flying machine and crashed. His leg was bleeding but did not want to go to the hospital. He went to the hospital this time, which means it is serious.

I like this task because I read a fiction book after a long time.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


I completed a task called 'Commenting'.

Jebrael commented on my SSR Selfie and asked what does viscous mean? I replied viscous means sticky consistency between solid and liquid.

In a comment thread you should always  have a greeting, a compliment, and a question to ask.  

There is an example below the comment thread.

Olylimic Symble

I completed a task called 'Art'.

Today we made olympic symbols using Google drawing.

I made 5 olympic symbols they are -  basketball, shooting, javlin, throwing, table tenice.

I got the olympic symbol idea from google .

My symbol was nice but I could have added some more detail.

Shooting Accuracy with Nerf Gun

My group and I checked who has the most accuracy with Nerf guns.

First we set plastic bottles as our target. We did our shooting from 1m, 3m, and 5m distance.

Next we started  analysing how many targets we hit.

Last I made a table and chart in Google sheets and checked our accuracy.

Emmanuel was the best Nerf gun shooter because he hit the most targets from 1m, 3m, and 5m.

Basic fact boxes

I completed a task called speed demon challenge.

I completed it in 5 minute and 4 seconds and I got 90/90 in divsion.

I need to go on a higher level .

Sunday, November 21, 2021

SSR Selfie

I completed a task called 'SSR Selfie'.

I read a  book called 'Ninja Kid 7'. The main characters were Dr Kane, Ninja kid, H-dude.

H-dude and Ninja kid were making a science project so they can win the science fair. Charles was a bully because he was son of rich Mayor that's why he was making a gold project. It was time for the fair. H-dude by mistake ate Ninja kid’s project becuase it was made from fanta and candie. 

Ninja kid took the glove of life that was his grandma's favorite invention. They presented the invention to the judges that were giant Gorilla and a Scientist. They checked everyone's projects and said that Ninja kid was the winner. Everyone was cheering for Ninja kid.

I  need to improve my reading.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Basic fact boxes

I completed a task called ‘Speed demon’ challenge.

I got 90/90 in division and completed it in 7 minute and 19 seconds .

I need to improve my time by calculating fast.


Today, I completed a task called 'Commenting'.

Jebrael commented on my SSR Selfie. He asked "What does magnetism means?" I replied - "Magnetism means a  physical phenomenon produced by the motion of electric charge which results in attractive and repulsive forces between objects".

In a comment thread you should always  have a greeting, a compliment, and a question to ask.  

Below is an example of a comment thread.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Te Reo Māori

I completed a task called 'Te Reo Māori'.

Firstly, I looked at the question. The question was 'He aha tērā?' which means - What is this?

Then I looked at the picture and saw what the object was.

Lastly, I wrote about the object in Maori language.

I like this task because I learnt a lot of names of different objects in Maori.


I completed a task called "HPE".

Firstly, I selected 3 exercises - Push-ups, Run on the Spot, Squats.

Next I did push-ups. In this exercise you get in a plank position by lying on your face and pushing your hands up and down to raise your body. 

Then I did Run On the spot. In this task you have to run on one spot.

Lastly, I did Squats. In this exercise you have to bend down your knees and again go up in a standing position.

I like this task because I did some exercise at home.


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Fairy tale

I completed a task called 'fairy tale'.

Firstly, I looked at my last week's work and changed a little bit in the story.

Then I wrote my last week's story and changed the conflict and its ending.

Lastly I checked the spelling and then uploaded it in the blog post.

I like this task because I improve my writing skills

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Basic Fact Boxes

I completed a task called ‘Speed demon’ challenge.

I got 90/90 in divsion and completed it in 7 minute and 5  seconds .

I need to improve my time by typing fast.


I completed a task called 'Commenting'.

I commented on Hector's SSR Selfie. He briefed about the chapter 'The Rocky Shore'. I asked him the question - 'Do you know what rocky pool means?'

In a comment thread you should always, you need to have a greeting, a compliment, and a question to ask.  

Below is an example of a comment thread.

Monday, November 8, 2021

SSR Selfie

I completed a task called 'SSR Selfie' and read a book called 'Ninja Kid 6'.

I read 77 pages in 15 minutes.

Nelson and Kenny have ninja powers from his dad but he went missing.They became Ninja-kid and H-dude. Dr Kane, their cousin, was trying to destroy the village and uncover the identities of H-dude and Ninja.

Their grandma was a great inventor and built them the Size Converter and said not to touch it. But 'Ninja kid' and 'H-dude' by mistake turned on the size converter and became small size .

They tried to go to their grandma but a crow swooped in and tried to kill them. Their grandma came and made them medium size.  They were sad because they became small and not able to go on the Halloween Fair Roller coaster. 

Their grandma gave them a fishbowl to make their heads look bigger. They went to the bus that took them to the Halloween fair. 

I like this task because I read a fiction book after a long time. 

Problem solving

I completed a task called Problem Solving.

First I wrote the fraction question in words in Google document.

Next I wrote the fraction question in numbers.

Then I  made the pizza shape equal to the question.

Lastly, I wrote how many pizza pieces were there and how many pieces it has been cut into.

I like this task because I improved my fraction skills. 

Friday, November 5, 2021

Fairy Tale

I completed a task called 'Fairy Tale'.

Firstly, I thought of what fairy tale I want to combine and I selected 'Werewolf: The Beast Among Us' and 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.

Next I wrote the characters and they are Werewolf, Monster, and Jack.

Then I wrote the conflict and the ending.   

At the end I wrote the Point of view.  Jack was poor in 'Jack and the Beanstalk' but Jack is rich in my story. He did not want to spend his money.

I like this task becuase I like fiction stories. 


I completed a task called 'HPE'.

Firstly, I chose what exercise I wanted to do and I selected Squats.

Next I started the video and started doing Squats. The video was 3 minutes and 35 seconds.

Then when it said - bring Sally down, I bent down on my knees. When it said - bring Sally up I was a little Up.

Finally, I stopped the video and linked it to the blog post.

I like this task because I enjoy doing workout at home in lockdown.


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Te Roa Maouri

Today, I completd a task called 'Te Roa Maouri'.

First I looked at the question in the google slide and observed the pictures.

Then I checked the Maori dictionary to understand and check the position of the objects in picture.

Finally I wrote the answers in English to explain the postion of the objects.

I like this task becuase I learnt a lot of Maori words and prepsition.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Problem Solving

I completed a task called 'Problem Solving'.

FIrst I wrote how many pizza pieces were there and how many pieces it had been cut into.

Next I did the number line same as the question.

Last I wrote the reason of why I do not have all the slices.

I like this task because It improved my Math skills.  

Monday, November 1, 2021


Today I completed a task called 'Commenting'.

Jebrael commented on my blog post and asked - 'What do Polynesians mean?' I replied that - 'Polynesians are native or inhabitant of Polynesia'.

In a comment thread you should always have a greetings, a compliment and a fact about the work.

Below is an example of a comment thread.

SSR Selfie

I completed a task called 'SSR Selfie'. I read a chapter "Magnet" from the book Science book.

A magnet is made up of metals iron, nickel or cobalt.  Rocks that contain iron nickel or cobalt can act as magnets. A magnet pulls anything that contains iron, nickel or cobalt. This pulling is called magnetic force.

There is an area around a magnet that is called a magnetic field; this is where things are pulled to a magnet.

Magnetic force passes through air.  You can feel a magnetic force in a fridge door.

I like this task because I got to know a lot about magnet and magnetic force.

Basic Fact Boxes

I completed ‘Speed demon challenge’ in division up to 10.

I got 100/100 in 6 minute and 37 seconds.

I think i should try to improve my time by improving my Maths skills.