Thursday, September 30, 2021

Take Notice

I completed a task called 'Mental Health challenge 4 - Take Notice'.

First I thought about what things I am Thankful of.

Next I made a google document so I can list all the things I am Thankful of.

Lastly I listed all the stuff I am Thankful of.

I Like this task because I remembered who and what I should be Thankful of.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Be active

I completed a task called 'Mental Health challenge 2 - Be Active'.

I played the 'Minecraft Yoga Adventure' video and started with greeting 'Namaste.

I did Yoga while watching the video. They were Plank, Dog pose, Sheep pose, Bed pose, Bowl pose, Spider pose, Boat pose, Rainbow pose and Horse pose.

Some of the Yoga were difficult for me like Bowl pose, Spider pose and Boat pose.

Some of the Yoga I already knew because I have done them before. They were Bowl pose, Boat pose, Rainbow pose, Spider pose and Plank.

Some Yoga were really fun and they were Horse pose, Door pose and Sheep pose.

At the end I lay down and moved my fingers and toes slowly. I ended Yoga with the greeting 'Namaste'.

I like this task because I learnt Yoga in India and I knew some of the poses already.


I completed a task called 'Mental Health challenge 3 - Give', where I have to do things around my home without getting asked.

Firstly, I helped my family by clearing the dining table.

Next I helped my family by cleaning the car.

Then I helped my family by throwing the recycle stuff .

Lastly, I helped my family by vacuuming in the hallway.

I like this task because I could help my family and make them happy.

Mentel health Challange 1

I completed a task called 'Mental Health'. In this task I asked my parents which singers they liked when they were teenagers and thought about my favorite singers.

Firstly, I asked my father which were his favorite singers and songs when he was a teenager.

Next I thought about my favorite singers and songs.

Then I made a list of all his favorite and my favorite singers.

Lastly, I put some Youtube links of my father's and my favorite songs.

I like this task because I got to know what my father's favorite singers were when he was teenager.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021


I completed a task in Art. I made a shape like a shield.

Firstly, I made an art shape with three circles and one star.

Next I chose red, cyan, yellow and black colors because I think that they look awesome.

Lastly, the shape was created like Captain America's shield.

This task helped me to learn new options in google drawing.

Emoji Story

Today I completed a task called the 'Emoji Story'.

I had to find a scene of a story and make the scene with the help of Emojis. Then others can guess about the story.

Firstly, I thought about a scene and found emojis from Google. 

Then I made a slide explaining the scene with the help of emoji 

Lastly, I put all the emojis in the correct order.

I liked this task because I used my imagination to make the scene with Emoji.

Can you figure out which movie's scene is thi?

Basic fact boxes

I completed my Speed demon challenge in multiplication up to 10.

I completed it in 6 minutes and 20 seconds and I scored 90/90.

I think I should try to do it faster next time by trying to concentrate  more.

Monday, September 27, 2021

SSR Selfie

I read a chapter named 'Tunc Tezel Star Man' in the book called 'School Journal'.

Tunc Tezel is an award winning photographer from Turkey. He specialises in astrophotography taking photo of the night sky.

He read a book about the night skies and learnt that the sun is not completely dark during the solar eclipse. He saw two solar eclipses in 1999 and 2006 in Turkey.

Every day the sun’s path across the sky changes slightly. Tunc clicked photos of the sun at the same time from the same place for a whole year. Then you can see the figure of eight called analemma.

I like this task because I got to learn about Tunc Tezel, night sky and solar eclipse.

Litracy CH1

I completed a task called 'Literacy CH1'. In this activity we have to pick an odd item that we can explain and make a poster.

Firstly, I had to find an odd item to explain. I selected a chopper.

Next I selected a poster design from Canva. Then I made a poster of how the chopper works.

Lastly, I clicked the pictures of the chopper and put it on the poster.

I like this task because we have explained odd items and made a poster.                                                                                 

Problem Solving

I completed a task called 'Problem Solving'.

Firstly, I read the question it was 'Tom went fishing with Nancy. Nancy caught 8 trouts. Tom caught 4 times as many trout as Nancy. How many trouts did Tom catch'?

Next I did 'Skip Counting'. In this activity I did 8x1=8, 8x2=16, 8x3=24, 8x4=32 .

Then I did 'Repeated addition'. In this activity I did 8+8+8+8=32.

Lastly, I did 'Times Table'. In this activity I did 8x4=32.

After doing this task I learnt that I need to improve on my times table so I can answer questions faster. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021


I completed a task called 'Commenting'. In this task we talk to each other about facts or questions related to the blog post.

I commented on Emmanuel SSR Selfie and I asked a question about the book and the question was "Do you know what nuclear waste is?". He explained about the Sea pollution and how nuclear waste harms the Sea. In a comment thread you should always have a greetings, a compliment and a fact about the work.

Below is an example of a comment thread.

Minecraft Steve/ Art

I completed a task in Art and made a Minecraft character named  Steve.

Firstly, I searched some pictures of Steve on the internet.

Next I made Steve's head using sqares shapes and painted it dark orange.

Then I made his shirt and coloured it blue and green.

Lastly, I coloured the background in cyan and made clouds with cubes 3D shapes.

I like this task becuase my Art work was better than I expected.

Te Reo Māori

I completed a task about solving Māori questions.

The first question was ' Kei hea te kānara.?' The answer was 'Kei runga  roumamao Pika.'.

The second question was ' Kei hea te Rorohiko'? The answer was 'Kei roto  kānara raiti'.

The third question was ' Kei hea te pōhatu? The answer was 'Kei karapitipiti pōhatu tūru haumaru.'.

Lastly I put the pictures on the slides.

I like this task because it helps me with learning more Māori words.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Acrostic poem

I completed a task called 'Poetry'. In this task I had to find items around my house and make them into Acrostic poems.

First I selected a word with more than 11 letters and the word is 'Congratulate'.

Next I found the items they are- marshmallow, car, sweater, book, grass, blanket, candle, slippers, lamps, bed, candy, speaker, and wall.

Then I wrote the item's colour they are-pink, red, cyan, purple, grey, green, brown, orange,blue, yellow, purple, black, and white.

I like this task because I enjoyed the adventure to find items around the house. 

SSR Selfie

I completed a task called 'SSR selfie'.

Tokelau is a small and very sunny country in the Pasific Ocean. It is very special country it uses only renewable energy from the bright sun.

Tokelau is made up of three atolls. An Antol is a ring of small island  with sea water in the middle. Each Attol has a power station that is built by New Zealand Engineers in 2012.

Tokelau  used to burn diesel to get electricity in 2012. Then they stopped burning diesel becuase it is bad for the environment.

Tokelau is the first country in the world to use renewable energy to all its electricity.

I like this task becuase I learned a lot about Tokelau and rewnable energy.

Problem solving

I completed a task called 'Problem solving' with my group.

There is 1 column that shows 4 animals and each of the animals have points. The animals are in a row jumbled up and you have to do addition and subtraction of the points that each animal has to get the answer.

First the question was 5+8+3+3+8-2=??. First I did 3+3=6, then I did 8+8=16, then I did 6+16=22, then I did 22-2=20, then i did 20+5=25.

Next the question was 5+3+8+5-2-2=??. I did 5+5=10, then I did 10+8=18, then I did 18+3=21, then I did 21-2=19, then I did 19-2=17.

Then the question was 5+3+8+3-2-2=??. I did  5+3=8, then I did 8+8=16, then I did 16+3=19, then I did 19-2=17, finally I did 17-2=15.

Last question was 8+8+3+5+5-2=??. I did 5+5=10, then I did 8+8=16, then I did 16+3=19, then I did 19+10=29, finally I did 29-2=27.

I still need to learn how do to place value perfect.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

HPE/Tuesday Workout

I completed a task called 'Tuesday Workout'. I did Run on the spot, Box twists and Wall sits.

Firstly, I did Run on the spot. In this workout you have to stay at one place and run as fast as you can.

Next I did Box Twists. In this workout you stretch your waist and your hand right and left.

Then I did Wall sit.  In this workout you have to squat with the wall support. 

Lastly, I finished recording and uploaded the video.

I like this task because it helps me to exercise in the lockdown.

Steps web

Today, I completed a task called 'Steps Web'.

Firstly I did 'Chunks' activity. In this activity, there will be a word and the word will break in two pieces. Then you have to tap on both the pieces to make the word.

Then I did a  'Drop' activity. In this activity you have to listen to a word and then after some time some alphabets will appear on the screen. You have to put those alphabets in the right order to make the word that you heard.

Lastly I did 'Definition' activity. In this activity, you have to read the definition and then select a word to match that definition. 

I like this task because I can do it faster every time and learn new words.  

Basic fact boxes

 Today I completed my 'Speed demon' challenge up to 20 in subtraction.

 I completed the challenge in 4 minutes and 36 seconds and scored 100/100.

 I think I should try to do it faster next time

Baisc fact boxes

Today I completed 'Speed demon' challenge up to 20 in subtraction. 

I completed the challenge in 5 minutes and 58 seconds and I got 100/100.

I think I should do faster next time .

Monday, September 20, 2021


I completed a task called 'Dance Mat Typing'.

Firstly, I put my hands on the Home row and started practicing typing the keys.

Next I learned how to type V, M, B, N, C, ,.

Then I practiced how to type these alphabets.

Lastly, I put what I should have done on the google slide.

I think I should try to do it on a higher level.

SSR Selfie

I read a one chapter named 'The house that Dan built' from the non-fiction book called 'Wild discoveries'.

Daniel Turinsky, a student, participated in a competition to design an eco-house using the computer game Minecraft. Houses that are designed to look after the natural world are called Echo-house.

Dan selected to use local Wood to make his house because it is a renewable resource and saves the petrol. Petrol is a fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are formed in the ground over millions of years from dead plants and animals.

When we use petrol we also make greenhouse gases that make the world warmer and leads to rising sea levels.

I like this task because I learned about echo-house, fossil fuels, and greenhouse gases.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

SSR Selfie

I read a non - fiction book called 'School Journal'.

I read 9 pages of the book.

The moon is 380,000 kilometers away from the earth. That is 400 times closer than the Sun. The moon’s diameter is 3,476 kilometers, that's over twice the length of New Zealand. The Moon is about 4 times smaller than Earth.

The moon has no air so there is no wind on the Moon. The footprints on the Moon will last millions of years because there is no wind to blow them away.

I like this task because I learnt a lot about the Moon.


Friday, September 17, 2021

Steps web

I did an activity called Steps Web.

Firstly, I did 'Chunks' activity. In this activity, there will be a word and the word will break in two pieces. Then you have to combine the two correct parts of the word and make one word. 

Next I did  'Label the Picture' activity. In this activity 9 pictures will come up. Under these pictures there will be words that match the pictures. You have to put the correct word inside the text box and press the try button. The task is completed if the word matches the correct pictures.

Then I did the 'Four in a row' activity. In this activity, you have a dice and you roll the dice to get a number. There are small text boxes under each number. When you hear a word then you have to type the correct word.  To complete the task you have to get four correct words in a row.

Lastly, I did 'Word grid'. In this activity you hear words in an order. You have to click on the words in the same order to complete the task.

I like this task because it helps me to remember the words better.



I completed a task called 'Art Pattern'

[Tuatahi] First I searched for some Indian patterns and finalised a Rangoli design that represents my culture.

Next I made the design on Google drawing with the help of different shapes.

[Ati] Then I filled the Rangoli with my favorite colours.

[Whakamutunga] Lastly, I created a border and filled it with colour.

I like this task because it was creative.

Thursday, September 16, 2021


I completed a task called 'Comment Thread'.  In this task we talk to each other about facts or questions related to the blog post.

One of my teachers commented on my Steps web blog post and asked the question about the Steps web activities. In a comment thread you should always have a greetings, a compliment and a fact about the work.

Below is an example of a comment thread.

Māori Language Moment



I completed a task about introduction in the LS1 class

First we watched a video that explained us what an introduction is and how to write an introduction.

Next we researched about fireworks and chocolates.

Then we found facts about fireworks. For example, did you know that fireworks were created in China around 2000 years ago?

Finally we found facts about chocolates. Did you know the best chocolate in New Zealand is Baron Hasselhoff's?

I liked this activity because it helped me know how to write introduction.

Te Roa Maori

I completed a task to solve Māori questions.

[Tuatahi] First the question was 'Where inei ngā Priori?' The answer was 'Nga pīrori runga pārekereke.'

[Ati] Next question was 'Where inei ngā Tiaka'? The answer was 'Tiaka runga mihai horoi.'.

[Whakamutunga] Last question was 'Where inei ngā Rapeti.'? The answer was 'Rāpeti runga papa-kai'.

I like this task becuase it helps me to learn more Maori Words.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Maori words

I wrote Maori words and meanings in english.

[Tuatahi] Firstly, I  made a google slide and choosed what I will do in Maori. I decided I will do days, months and feelings .

[Ati] Next, I wrote the names of  days, months and feelings in Māori and English. 

[Whakamutunga] Lastly, I put the words in three columns.

I like this task because I learned more Maori words.

Māori HPE

Kia ora [hello] 

I did Māori HPE. They were Push-Ups, Run on the Spot and Wall Sit.

[Tuatahi] First I did 'Run on the Spot'. In this exercise, you run in the same place you are standing.  You have to run as fast as you can.

[Ati] Then I did 'Push Ups'. In this exercise, you get in a plank position by lying on your face and pushing your hands up and down to raise your body. It strengthens your arms.

[Whakamutunga] Lastly I did 'Wall Sit'. In this workout, you use the wall to support your back. Your back should be flat against the wall. Then bend down on your knees and hold for ten seconds.

I like this task because it helps me to be active in lockdown.

Problem solving

Today I used 'Place Value' and 'Written Algorithm' to solve math problems.

[Tuatahi] First I read the question, which is - 'Siale, David, and Motu are teaming up to complete a set of Pokemon cards. There are 120 pokemon cards. Siale has 36 pokemon cards. David has 26 pokemon cards. Motu has 42 pokemon cards. How many more pokemon cards do they need?'

Next I did 'Place value'. I did  6+6+2=14, 30+20+40=90, 90+14=104. Motu, Siale,David has 104 pokemon cards. 10-4=6, 20-10=10, 100-100=0, 10+6=16.

[Ati] Then I did 'Written Algorithm'. 120 -104=16. First I added 36+26 +42=104. Then I did 120 -104=16 They need 16 pokemon cards to complete the set.

[Whakamutunga] Lastly I checked if the answer was 16 and the correct answer was 16.

I like this task because it helps me with doing addition and subtraction better.





Tuesday, September 14, 2021

SSR selfie

I completed a task called SSR selfie.

I read a book called 'Wild Dicoveries'. I read 8 pages.

This book is about Wild animals that contains topic of animal X factor and sea science.

Animal X factor brief about size, coulor, distinctiveness, cuteness of animals. I read about interesting facts of Kiwi, Giant land snail, Ngutu parore, kakapa and Toroa.

Some interesting facts are - there are 5 types of Kiwi species, Giant land snail weighs the same as Tui and the Nga tu bird is the only bird in the world to have a sideways beek.

I like this task because it helps me to know about different animals.

Basic Fact boxes

Today, I completed the 'Speed demon' challenge up to ten. 

I completed the challenge in 5 mintue and 55 seconds and I got 100/100.

I think I should try to do it within 5 mintues.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Steps web

Today I completed Steps web activity.

The first activity was 'Sentence builder'. In that activity you have to make a sentence by using the words you got.

Next I did Spelling' activity. In spelling we type the word that was pronounced, and at the end of the activity you will know if the spelling was right or wrong.

Then I did 'Drop activity'. You have to listen to a word and then after some time some alphabets will appear on the screen. You have to put those alphabets in the correct order to make the word that you heard.

Lastly I did 'Definition' activity. In this activity, you have to read the definition and then select one word to match that definition. 

I like this task because it helps me improve my writing skills.

Dance Mat typing

Today I completed a task called 'Dance Mat Typing'.

Firstly, I set up a 15 minutes timer and revised my typing skills. 

Next I learned the new words they were E,R,T from the left hand and M,N,O from the right hand.

Then I practiced the new words that I learnt.

Lasly I put my results in the slide.

I like this task because I learned how to type the new words E,R,T without looking at the keybaord

Basic fact boxes

Today I completed a 'Speed Demon' challenge up to 10. 

I completed the challenge in 5 mintue and 57 and I got 100/100.

I think I can do it faster next time.


Sunday, September 12, 2021


My group and I were measuring the temperature of warm and cold water in big and small cylinders.

Firstly, we filled warm water from the tap in a small cylinder and checked the temperature with the help of a thermometer. The temperature was  98°C and we clicked a picture of the cylinder.

Next we filled water and checked the temperature of the big cylinder. The temperature was 64°C. Then we clicked a picture and pasted it in the presentation.

Finally we filled water again in big and small cylinders.  The temperature was 60°C and 98°C.  Then we clicked the picture and prepared the final presentation

I learned a lot from this task about the  thermometer and checking temperature.

following rules

We learnt about how to follow the rules in our class.

First I selected a rule, then I wrote how we can follow that rule. For example I have to follow the rule of 'Respect'. If I take something from someone then I have to give it back the way it was.

Then, I wrote how to follow the rules that I selected. For example, I follow the rule by respecting my teacher and doing what he asked me to do. 

I like this task because it helps me learn how to respect other people.

cause and effect/week 2

We explained the life cycle of a butterfly by using cause and effect.

Firstly, we put together the explanation of the life cycle of butterflies.

Next we explained how butterflies lay butterfly eggs.

Then we wrote the explanation of why Caterpillars hide in trees  .

After we wrote that the Caterpillar became Chrysalis to protect itself before it became a butterfly.

Finally the process of becoming a butterfly was explained and the life cycle starts again.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Party popper

We completed a task of making a 'Party popper'. We created a company called  'Arty rocky crafters'.

Firstly, we thought about different ideas of design. We made a dog drawing and showed our design to Mr Wong.

Next, we tried to make the Party popper. It was hard to place the rubber band in the cup. We completed our party popper after lots of hard work.

Finally we clicked a picture of our Party popper while it was bursting.

I like this task because I learned a lot about making Party popper. It was fun to do this group activity. 


We learnt about the differences between Mars and Utah desert.

The Mars environment has no liquid water however Utah desert has water. Mars has frozen water on its polar cap that is a mixture of carbon dioxide ice and water ice.

The Mars environment has no life as it has only one percent of oxygen. On the other hand in Utah desert, 21 percent of atmosphere is oxygen and less than one percent carbon dioxide. The average temperature of Mars is minus 81 degrees. 

The Mars environment has asteroids. There are more than 200 asteroid impacts on the Mars every year.

I liked this task because I learned about Mars and the Utah desert.

Friday, September 10, 2021


Today I completed Thursday's workout. They were Run on the spot, Burrbeez and Wall sit.

Firstly, I did Run on the spot. In this workout we have to stay in one place and run as fast as we can.

Next I did Burbeez. In this workout we have to do a push-up and jump as high as we can.

Then I did Wall sit.  In this workout we have to squat with the support of a wall.

Lastly, I finished recording and uploaded the video.

I like this task because it helps me stay active in the lockdown.

Tongon languge week

I did a weekly activity based on Tongan language.

We had options to select between Count to ten, Geetings, Sing happy birthday, Maths word, the National Anthem or a Recipe. These activities should be in Tongan language.

I selected the activity of 'Count to ten' because it was eaiser to learn counting in Tongan language.

I learned a lot from this task becuase it helped me to learn counting in Tongan.

SSR Selfie

I read a book called 'Goosebumps - Welcome to the Nightmare'.

I read 20 pages of the book. The main characters are Billy, Mike, Jay, Colin, Uncle AL and other Campers.

Billy,  Mike and other children  went on a 'Camp Nightmoon'. They were missing their parents on the bus journey. The bus driver was wearing a rubber monster mask and the children got scared. The bus driver left the children alone in the jungle. They heard a noise of animal cries and it got louder and louder.  The creature tried to attack the children and Billy urged all the children to run fast. Then Uncle Al came with his rifle and scared the creature. He was the camp director and that was the beginning of the camp. Finally they reached the 'Camp Nightmoon' after a scary journey.

 I like reading this book because it helps me with my reading skills.


Thursday, September 9, 2021

Comment Therd

I completed a task called 'Comment Thread'.  In this task we talk to each other about facts or questions related to the blog post.

One of my teachers commented on my SSR selfie and asked the question about the book I read. In a comment thread you should always have a greetings, a compliment and a nice fact about the work.

Below is an example of a comment thread.

SSR Selfie

I continued reading the book called 'The midnight gang' by David Walliams.

I read another 25 pages of the book. The characters are Ram, Robin, Amber, Sally, Goerge, Tom,Warden,

There was a rich man called Ram. He was admitted in the Lord funt hospital. He asked to bring him good food like Mattar Paneer, Naan, Poppadoms. While all the other patients get  Flamingo eggs on Bread Sheep's tongue, and Dried corn flakes with Cold tea. The midnight gang sneaked through the hospital to fulfil the dream of George. His dream was to fly, so everyone gave him balloons. He went to the toilet and unfortunately the Nurse saw him with so many balloons. She informed the Warden to watch him so that he can not run away from the Children ward.

I like reading this book because it helps me with my reading and my imaginary skills.

Te Reo Māori

I completed a task about solving Māori questions.

The first question was ' Kei hea te Pīka?' The answer was 'kei runga Pika pūngerungeru pouaka makariri'.

The second question was ' Kei hea te Rorohiko'? The answer was 'Rorohiko pōnaho runga papa-ka'.

The third question was ' Kei hea te Tau'? The answer was 'Tau runga nohoang'.

Lastly I put the pictures on the slides.

I like this task because it helps me with learning Māori words. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Basic fact boxes

Today I did a 'Speed Demon' challenge up to 10. 

I completed the challenge in 5 minute and 43 seconds and I scored 100/100. 

Next time I think I should do it on a higher level.

Basic fact boxes

I completed a 'Speed Demon' challenge.

I completed the challenge in 5 minute and 55 seconds. I scored 100/100.

I think I should try to improve my time and concentrate more.

Problem Solving

Today I used 'Place Value' and 'Written Algorithm' to solve math problems.

Tuatah [Firstly], I read the question - 'Leilani has already practiced for 24 minutes, 26 minutes and 17 minutes. She needs to practice 90 minutes. How many more minutes does Leilani have to practice?

Next I did 'Place Value'. First I did the addition of the ones which are 4+7+6=17.  Then I did the addition of tens  which is 20+20+10=50. Then I added the answer 50+17=67. Finally I subtracted 90-67=23. 

Ati [Then] I did 'Written Algorithm'. First I did the addition of the ones which are 4+7+6=17. I put 7 in the ones column and put 10 in the tens column.  Then I added the tens which is 20+20+10=50 and I added 50+10=60, and I added the answer 60+7=67. Then I did 90-67=23.

Whakamutunga [Lastly], I checked If the answer was 23 and the answer was 23.

I like problem solving because it helps me to develop my math skills.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


Today I did a task called 'Dance Mat Typing'.

Firstly, I set a timer of 15 minutes. Then I had a reminder of writing F,D,S,A K,L,colan.

Next I learned to write W,Y Q by my left hand and T,P,O by my right hand.

Then I practiced again to type W,Y,Q,T,P,O. I learned how to write them without looking at the keyboard.

Lastly, I wrote my results on the slide and how I should improve myself.

I liked Typing because it helps me type faster without looking at the keyboard.

Steps web

Today, I did Steps web activity.

First activity's name is 'Chunks'. In the activity, there will be a word and the word will break in two pieces. Then you have to select by tapping both the pieces.

Next activity's name is 'Word search'.  In the activity, you have to find the word that is listed in the right side in a box. Then you have to find those words in jumbled letters in a grid. 

Then the next activity name is 'Definition'.  In the activity, you have to read the definition and then select one word to match that definition. 

Lastly, the activity name is 'Treasure Hunt'. In the activity you have to listen and remember some words and choose the word that you did not hear. For example you will listen four words and then you will see five or six treasure chests. You have opened the treasure chest that you did not hear before.

I like Steps web because it helps me to develop my grammar, vocabulary, listening and writing skills.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Steps web

Today, I did steps web activity.

First in this activity, I have to listen to a word and find where the word is and click on it. The acitivity name was 'Find the word'.

Next I did Word flash.A word will come on the screen quickly and disappears quikly.  Then there are lots of word on the scrren and you have to click on the word that you saw before. The acitivity name was 'Word flash'.

Then the next task is to write the spelling of the word that you heard. The acitivity name was 'Spelling'.

Lastly you have to listen to a word. After that some alphabets will appear on the screen and you have to put them in the correct order to make the word that you heard before. The acitivity name was 'Drop'.

I like Steps web because learn a lot of new words from it and it improves my vocabulary.


My group and I did a task callled Madilibs.  We have to write a friend's name, name of any person, the city, the monster. We have to make a story with the help of these information.

Firstly, we wrote a name. We decided the name should be Jack.

Next we wrote a friend's name. My group decided the name should be Matt.

Then we discussed what city it should be. We decided it should be New York.

Lastly, we wrote the monster name. We decided the moster should be a Vampire.  Finally, we wrote the story with the stuff that we decided.

I like this task becuase it helped me with imagining better.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Basic fact boxes

I completed my basic fact boxes up to 100 in addition.

I compleated in 8 minutes and 8 seconds.

I want to do addition faster next time.

Next time I need to do a harder level to improve addition skills.

Thursday, September 2, 2021


I completed a task about solving Māori questions.

Firstly, the question was 'Kei hea te takawai?' and the answer was 'Kei runga I te hōpa'.

Next the second question was 'Kei hea te putahitanga?' and the answer was 'Kei mauto I te mataaho'.

Then the third question was 'Kei hea te teti pea?' and the answer was 'Kei tūmatakahuki I te mauto whakaata'. 

Lastly, the questions was 'Kei hea te rātana?' and the answer was 'Kei mauto I te wāra'.

I liked the task because I learned new Māori words.


Thursday work out

Today I completed Thursday's workout. They were Run on the spot, Burrbeez and Wall sit.

Firstly, I did Run on the spot. In this workout we have to stay in one place and run as fast as we can.

Next I did Burbeez. In this workout we have to do a push-up and jump as high as we can.

Then I did Wall sit.  In this workout we have to squat with the support of a wall.

Lastly, I finished recording and uploaded the video.

I like this task because it helps me stay active in the lockdown.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


 I completed a task called 'Dance Mat Typing'.

Firstly, I set up a timer of 15 mintues. Then I kept my left hand fingers on my keyboard keys of F,D,S, A  and kept my right hand finger on K,L,colan

Next, I typed some words while not looking at the keyboard.

Then, the the task was to write down how I performed while typing.

Lastly, I wrote on the Google slide what I should have done better.

I liked this task because I am improving typing skills and not looking on the keyboard.

Find a Fact

I compleated a task called 'Find a Fact'. In that task you have to select a person to explain about their journey.

Firstly, I selected Michael Phelps, who holds the record for most Olypics medals. Then I took a user right picture and put it on the slide and then I wrote the title on top of the picture.

Next I did an introduction of Michael Phelps, for example he represents The United States of America for swimming at the Olympics. 

Then I wrote five different facts about Michael Phelps. One of the facts is that he started playing at the Olympics as a swimmer since 2004.

Lastly, I provided links of all the websites from where I extracted the information.

I liked this task because I am passionate about sports and learnt about one Olympic winner and his achievements.

Problem Solving

Today I got the task to solve 7x14 by using repeated addition, place value and written algorithm.

Firstly, I did Repeated Addition. In that I added 14 times 7 to get the answer 98.

Next I did Place Value. In that I have to do 4x7=28 and then 10x7=70. I added 28 + 70 which gave the answer of 98 again.

Then I did Written Algorithm. In that I have to do 7x4 and then I put the 2 on the top of the Tens column after that I did 7x1 and added the 2 from the top and again I got the answer 98.

Lastly, I checked that if the answer was 98 in all echniques and the answer was correct each time.

I enjoyed this task because it helped me to learn different techniques of mathematics.