Wednesday, September 22, 2021

SSR Selfie

I completed a task called 'SSR selfie'.

Tokelau is a small and very sunny country in the Pasific Ocean. It is very special country it uses only renewable energy from the bright sun.

Tokelau is made up of three atolls. An Antol is a ring of small island  with sea water in the middle. Each Attol has a power station that is built by New Zealand Engineers in 2012.

Tokelau  used to burn diesel to get electricity in 2012. Then they stopped burning diesel becuase it is bad for the environment.

Tokelau is the first country in the world to use renewable energy to all its electricity.

I like this task becuase I learned a lot about Tokelau and rewnable energy.


  1. Hello Sahil

    That looks like a very interesting book. What kind of renewable energy is Tokelau using?

  2. Hello Mr Wong
    Thank you for your commment.
    Tokelau is using solor power renewable energy.


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