Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Steps web

Today, I did Steps web activity.

First activity's name is 'Chunks'. In the activity, there will be a word and the word will break in two pieces. Then you have to select by tapping both the pieces.

Next activity's name is 'Word search'.  In the activity, you have to find the word that is listed in the right side in a box. Then you have to find those words in jumbled letters in a grid. 

Then the next activity name is 'Definition'.  In the activity, you have to read the definition and then select one word to match that definition. 

Lastly, the activity name is 'Treasure Hunt'. In the activity you have to listen and remember some words and choose the word that you did not hear. For example you will listen four words and then you will see five or six treasure chests. You have opened the treasure chest that you did not hear before.

I like Steps web because it helps me to develop my grammar, vocabulary, listening and writing skills.


  1. Kia ora Sahil. It sounds like you did some interesting and varied activities on Steps Web, keep up the practice! I like the sound of the Treasure Hunt activity it sounds like a fun game - what was your favourite activity?

    1. Thank you for commenting on my blog post Ms Whaea Petra.
      Yes Treasure Hunt is really an interesting activity.
      My favourite activity is Word seach becuase it is like word game.


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