Sunday, December 19, 2021

SLJ Kick Start: Magic Maths

Today, I practised testing out some maths magic questions.

First, I watched the instruction video so that I know what to do.

Second, I made a copy of the template on the site and tried solving the math questions. 

Next, I read the instructions and everytime the answer was same as it was written. 

Then, I asked my parents to test these questions and they were really suprised.

Lastly, I embeded my presentation on my blog post.

I thought that these question were not using magic but it was all about maths. 

I learnt that when we combine magic and maths its really fun.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I like maths and magic and these question is a combination of both. 

SLJ Step it up: Vector Art

Today, I chose my hero and created a google vector art image of them.

First, I read some facts about Vector Graphics and watched a Google Vector Art tutorial video.

Second, I chose my hero which was Iron man and searched up an image of him.

I chose Iron Man because, I tried to make Tony Stark but it was too hard for me.

Next, I traced Iron man's face using the line and color tool. 

Then, I searched up my favourite quote of Iron man and wrote it down on the google drawings.

Lastly, I took a screenshot and shared my creation on my blog post.

The three top tips that I used while making my Vector Art is to choose an easy picture so that it is easy to trace out, to use gradient colors and to divide a big piece into small pieces. 

An interesting fact is that vector graphics are also called graphical modeling or object-oriented graphics.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I learnt how to trace a picture and make a Vector Art out of it. 

SLJ Kick Start: Vector Art

Today, I design my Christmas Tree decoration using google drawings.

First, I saw the tutorial slides and the Vector vs Raster video.

Next, I thought about what my decoration will represent. 

My decoration is a combination of my favourite anime Pokemon and my favourite festival Christmas.

Then, I searched up ideas about Pokemon decorations on the interenet and thought of making a Pikachu.

I made my design using shapes, lines, fill color tool, border color tool and word art.

Lastly, I took a screenshot and shared my creation on the blog.

Something that is unique to me is spending my Christmas holidays with my family.

Some of my favourite colors are red, green and white which are also Christmas colors.

The three top tips that I used while making my Vector Art is using an easy design so that it doesn't take much time, using shapes as it is easier than using lines and combining Christmas with your design so that it is a mix of both.

I learn that vector artwork is art that's made up of points, lines, curves and shapes.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to create something about Pokemon.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

SLJ Step it up: E hia nga mia?

Today, I made a presentation of counting numbers in Māori with a summer theme.

First, I used Maori Dictionary to translate the English words that was related to summer.

The words translated to aihikirīmi - ice cream, kokonati - coconut, eke ngaru - surfboards, paoro - balls, ngohi - fishes, paināporo - pineapple, waka kōpana - boats, hiripa - jandles, pāpaka - crabs and angaanga - shells. 

Secondly, I made two slides for every picture. In the first slide I asked the question and in the second slide I answered the question. 

Next, I added a back button and linked it to second slide which makes you come back. 

Lastly, I embeded my google slides to the blog post. 

I learnt that when we talk about people, we use the phrase "Tokohia".

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I learnt new Māori words that I didn't know before. 

SLJ Kick Start: E hia nga mia?

Today, I made a counting poster of flashcards to practice the numbers 1 to 10 in Māori.

First, I watched the video to learn the number 1-10 in Te Reo Māori.

Next, I wrote down the numbers in Māori and English. 

Then, I found images from the internet that were related to summer and added them to my poster. 

The images that I included were ice-cream, coconuts, surfboards, balls, fishes, pineapples, boats, jandels, crabs and seashells. 

These pictures reminds me of summer because ice-cream makes me feel refreshed on a hot summer day. Coconuts are fruits that grow in summer season. I really like to eat pineapple during summer. I see lots of surfboards, fishes, crabs, boats, and seashells at the beach. I also wear jandals while playing volleyball. 

Lastly, I chose purple as my color for the layout and decorated my poster.

I practised the phrase "E hia nga mia?" and learnt that "E hia" means "how many" and "nga mea" means "the things". When we put them together, we can ask how many things there are. 

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I learnt a new phrase "E hia nga mea" in Māori.

SLJ Step it up: Draw a Geometree

Today, I made a geometrical tree using three different types of triangles.

First, I watched the video about the three different types of traingles.

The three different types of triangles were equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles.

An equilateral traingle has three equal sides. It is also called equiangular triangle. An isosceles triangle has two equal sides. A scalene triangle has no sides that are equal. 

Next, I identified the different shapes and color coded my geometrical tree. 

The equilateral triangles are colored in pink, the isosceles triangles are colored in yellow and the scalene triangles are colored in orange. 

Then, I took a photo of my geometree from my Chromebook's camera and uploaded it to my drive. 

Lastly, I inserted the colored image on my blogpost.

An interesting fact is that an equilateral triangle has three sides of equal length and three equal angles.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to learn how to use geometree in drawings.

SLJ Kick Start: Draw a Geometree

Today, I made a geometrical tree using different types of triangles.

First, I watched a video and followed the steps to learn how to make my design.

Second, I got a piece of paper and started making the stem of my tree.

Next, I made small branches and joined them to make triangles.

Lastly, I highlighted to add colors and make borders of the shapes.

An interesting fact is that the word 'geometry' comes from the Greek words 'geo', meaning earth, and 'metria', meaning measure.

I learnt that geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to learn about geometry and I have never tried it before.

SLJ Step it up: Minecraft Hour of Code

Today, I played Minecraft Education Edition: Hour of Code (Timecraft).

This time when I played the game again I chose different time splits and agent. 

First, I followed the instructions inside the world to complete three coding tasks and discover which agent is the time theif like last time.

Lastly, I took a screenshot of the certificate that I got for completing the challenges.

The three time splits I chose were Siberian Wilderness, Musician's Trumpet and Dinosaurs.

The agent that I chose was Pixie and her color was purple.

The first time split event that I did was Siberian Wilderness. In this task I had to code my agent to make the ancient people realise that dogs are better pets than bears or else the bears would have eaten the ancient people. I chose this task because I like wildlife.

The second time split event that I did was Musician's Trumpet. In this task I had to code my agent to find the trumpet that the musician lost or else there would be no music today. I chose this task because I have never seen a trumpet in minecraft and I wanted to see it. 

The third time split event that I did was Dinosaurs. In this task I had to code my agent to fix the neck of the long dinosaur with bone blocks or else the researchers would think that the dinosaur didnt have a long neck. I chose this task because I like to research about dinosaurs. 

The thing that I found challenging but fun was, finding the button to the secret room so that I could find the time theif. 

The time event that I really wanted to go to was when titanic got hit by the glacier and split into two. I wanted to save it by coding my agent to turn the wheel so it doesn't sink in the past.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because the time split events were very interesting. 

SLJ Kick Start: Minecraft Hour of Code

Today, I played Minecraft Education Edition: Hour of Code (Timecraft).

First, I watched the tutorial video so that I know what to do for the challenge.

Second, I followed the instructions inside the world to complete three coding tasks and discover which agent is the time theif.

The three time splits I chose were US first flight, Monalisa and Computer scientist.

The agent that I chose was Grenlin and his color was green.

The first time split event that I did was US first flight. In this task I had to code my agent to patch up the holes in the runway for the airplane to fly or everyone will be using hot air balloons to travel. I chose this task because the picture looked like a game called fortnite that I love playing.

The second time split event that I did was Monalisa. In this task I had to code my agent to fix Monalisa's fountain with glazed terracotta or else she will be sad and her beauty will be destroyed. I chose this task because Monalisa is one of the most famous paintings in the whole entire world. 

The third time split event that I did was Computer Scientist. In this task I had to code my agent to get rid of the virus that was in the computer, the scientist made or else there will be no computers in the future. I chose this task because I like studying about computers and I like gaming on it. 

The things that I found easy was moving faster and jumping because I have already played Minecraft and I know the basic keys to move. The thing that I found difficult was coding because I have never done coding before. 

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I like playing Minecraft and I learnt how to code.

Friday, December 17, 2021

SLJ Nanogirl: Build Something That Flies

Today, I built a paper glider from recycled paper that can fly.

First, I looked at Nanogirl's video and learnt how to make a glider.

Second, I made a screencastify of me throwing my glider in the garden.

Next, I measured how far my glider flied which was 17 feet. I used my footsteps to measure the distance.

Lastly, I checked how long my glider flied which was 5 seconds. I used my stopwatch to check the time.

I learnt that there are four forces that makes an object fly which are gravity, lift, thrust and drag.

Gravity is the force that always wants to pull us down to the ground. You have to overcome gravity to fly.

Lift is the force that helps us to get up and stay in the air. Aeroplane wings are designed to create lift.

Thrust is the force that make the things move forward. Paper planes use the arm strength to fly.

Drag is the force that makes objects slow down when they are flying. The pointy thing in front of the aeroplanes helps to reduce drag.

I thought of some ideas to make my glider fly farther. They were to use a flat paper and to throw it the same direction as the wind. 

An interesting fact is that an inventor tries something, and thinks about how they can make it better.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to create my own invention.

My Invention

SLJ Step it up: Mandala Mania

Today, I made slow motion animation of my natural mandala mania. 

First, I started by clicking pictures of every step while making my design.

Second, I put those pictures in a presentation and edited them in the centre of the slide.

Next, I found a background music on youtube that was perfect for my video.

Lastly, I used screencastify to show all my steps in a slow motion animation. 

An interesting facts is that slow motion is an animation technique in which a camera is stopped and started in order to give the impression of movement.

I learnt that animation is a way of making a movie from many still images. 

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to know how an animation works.

SLJ Kick Start: Mandala Mania

Today, I made Mandala Mania Design out of natural materials.

First, I explored my garden and found some flowers, sticks and leaves. 

Second, I found a flat surface to display my art and lay out my findings.

Then, I started by putting a big flower in the centre and adding four big leaves around it.

Lastly, I put sticks in between the leves and added small flowers on its tip.

An interesting fact is that the word mandala translates to 'circle' in Sanskrit.

I learnt that ephemeral art is temporary art and is not meant or able to be saved for a long time.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey Task because I got to be creative. 

Materials collected

My Natural Mandala Art

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

SLJ Step it up: Spread the word

Today, I commented on my classmates blog post and chose my five favourite ones.

First, I chose the people I will comment on which were Jebrael, Kaysorn, O'Ninesha, Matheus and Densyn.

Next, I made sure to: include a greeting, compliment, positive feedback, be thoughtful, be helpful, make a connection, ask a question, add more information. 

Lastly, I made sure to make smart decisions, share information, make sure my comment makes sense, check my spellings and punctuations.

From this task I learnt how to make quality blog comments.

I liked this activity because I got to learn and share information and give positive advise to people. 

SLJ Kick Start: Spread the word

Today, I commented on five student's blog post for this task.

First, I took screenshots of their blog posts and my comment.

The students I commented on were Densyn, Sophie, Jebrael, Matheus and O’Ninesha.

A blog post that was made by my classmate was Densyn's. 

A blog post that was made by a student from a different school was Sophie's.

A blog post that made me laugh was Jebrael's.

A blog post that I found interesting was Matheus's.

A blog post that has awesome art was O'Ninesha's.

The things that I liked about their blog posts was that they had awesome art, interesting words, well-explained and that they added lots of information.

I learnt the importance of commenting as it encourages other people to reply back.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got a chance to comment on other students blog post and talk to them in the comments. 

SLJ Step it up: Art Coloring Book

Today, I completed coloring a space shuttle picture from Art Coloring Book: NASA edition.

First, I took a screenshot of my finished art and the original picture.

Second, I wrote some interesting facts that I learnt from the learn more link on the original art. 

Lastly, I made a google drawing that shows the difference between my art and the original art. I also wrote some interesting facts underneath the pictures. 

I learnt how to color digitally and tried to make my art same as the original picture. 

I liked doiing this Summer Learning Journey task because I enjoy doing art and it is one of my favoruite subjects. 

SLJ Kick Start: Art Coloring Book

Today I colored a picture from the Art Coloring Book NASA edition.

First, I chose the picture that I colored. My picture is about a space shuttle that is being launched.

Next, I read some intersting facts about NASA and the space shuttle Atlantis launched for the STS-135 Mission.

Some intersting facts that I learnt were that ISS means the International Space Station.

The ISS design started in 1984. The ISS travels at 5 miles per second. 

I learnt that the International Space Station (ISS) is a human space flight program which is an amazing design made by an international partnership of NASA together with the European, Japanese, Canadian and Russian Space Agencies.

I liked this Summer Learning Journey task becuase I learnt about NASA and Space shuttles.  

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

SLJ Step it up: Poetry Slam Tahi

Today, I learnt more about poetry slam performance in Summer Learning Journey Task.

A poetry slam performance is poetry that combines performance, writing, competition, and audience participation.

First, I watched some videos of people performing poetry slam.

Next, I wrote down some ideas about what I think makes a good performance.

A good performance is when the poem has rhyming words, poet is confident, their voive has different pitches and they include action by moving their body.

I learnt how to be good performer while telling my poem to the audience.

I liked doing this task because I got to learn about stuff about poetry slam that I didn't know about. 

SLJ Kick Start: Poetry Slam Tahi

Today, I completed a task called 'Poetry Slam' from Summer Learning Journey. 

First, I thought of some Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs. Then, I wrote some synonyms of the words I thought of. 

A noun is a word that is a person, place, animal or thing. An example is table.

A verb is a word that shows action. An example is running.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun. An example is sweet.

An adverb is a word that decribed verb. An example is slowly.

Second, I embedded the picture of the words that I thought of. This was written on the second slide. 

Lastly, I found some pictures of things I like doing in summer and embedded it on my third slide.

I enjoyed this task because I got to think about my memories in summer.


Today, I commented on my classmate, Riley's Summer Learning Journey blog post.

I commented on his blog post that I have done the same task as well and that I enjoyed it.

The feedback I gave to him was to talk about the first slide he made. This will help the readers to understand more about the topic. 

 I got to give an advice to Riley that I think it was good advice but I think I should give more specific advise  .

Friday, December 10, 2021

Planting Plants

I planted a radish as a class activity.

Firstly, I poked a hole in the soil and planted my seed.

Next I watered my plant halfway so it can grow. The plant got some yellow mold that was bacteria.

Lastly, we had to throw the plant because it was spoiled due to the bacteria.

I did not enjoy this task because I had to throw the plant away.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


I completed a task called 'Commenting'.

Jebrael commented on my SSR Selfie and I replied. I wrote about Giant Panda. He asked me "What functions mean?" I replied that "Functions means work or operate in a proper or particular way".

There is an example below of a comment thread.

Information about Radish

This blog post is information about Raddish.

Radish is a root vegetable. Radish can be grown at the end of winter and starting summer.

Radish was the  most-popular in country Japanese .

I got all this information from this slide This is the link to the slide.

Radish is used in different places to make delicious food. 

Monday, December 6, 2021

SSR Selife

I completed a task called 'SSR Selfie'. I read a chapter "Letters" from the book 'Homework'.

Letters are written for many reasons such as to say Thank You to other people, to ask information about something, to invite people to a special event, to complain, to give opinion to a Newspaper and to keep in touch with family, friends and penfriends. I researched the history of letters and found that Homing pigeons were used to send letters to each other in the olden days.

I like this task because I got to learn and research about letters.

Basic Fact boxes

I completed a task called ‘Speed demon challenge’.

I completed it in 5 minute and 32 seconds in division.

I need to improve into a higher level.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


I completed a task called "HPE".

Firstly, I chose 3 exercises - Run on the spot, Starjumps, and Squats.

Next I did Starjumps. In this exercise you have to spread your arms and jump.

Then I did Run On The Spot. In this exercise you have to run on one spot.

Lastly, I did Squats. In this exercise you have to bend down your knees and again go up in a standing position.

I like this task because I did some exercise at home.


Line Art|Maths

I completed a task called 'Line Art'. 

In this task I made art by connecting two same numbers in maths notebook.

Firstly, I made the lines to write the numbers.

Next, I used a ruler to connect the numbers.

Then, I made 2 more lines opposite to previous lines and wrote the numbers beside the line.

Lastly, I connected the numbers using the lines and now I have an oval shape.

I like this task because Maths and Art are my favourite subjects.