Tuesday, February 22, 2022

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but I’ve moved.

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Monday, January 24, 2022

SLJ Step It Up: Poetry Slam Ono

Today, I did a task in which I made a snowball poetry on summer.

First, I watched the introduction video and read some examples of snowball poetry so that I get an idea of what I am going to do.

Second, I started thinking of a topic that was related to summer and I thought about watching the sunset at the beach.

Third, I opened a google drawings and added a picture of the sun setting at the beach.

Next, I added a heading and the poetry that I made at the side on top of the image.

I made sure that each line is one letter longer than the previous one while making my poetry.

Then, I recorded my screencastify in which I read my poem from the start.

Lastly, I embedded the video on my blog post so that I can share my work. I made sure to change the permission settings to "anyone with the link".

I learnt that a snowball is a poem where each line is longer than the previous one. Sometimes the lines get longer by one word and sometumes they get longer just by one letter.

I found this activity challenging because I thought of words that would sound better but it had so many letters and I could not add it on poem. 

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I learnt how to write a poem that was very challenging and it looked like a mountain when we look at its shape.

SLJ Kick Start: Poetry Slam Ono

Today, I did a task in which I made a snowball poetry on a day at the beach.

First, I read this example of snowball poetry so that I get an idea of what I am going to do.

Second, I started thinking of a topic that was related to summer and I thought about the beach.

Third, I opened a google drawings and added a picture of people having fun at the beach.

Next, I added a heading and the poetry that I made on side of that image.

I made sure that each line is one word longer than the previous one while making my poetry.

Then, I recorded my screencastify in which I read my poem from the start.

Lastly, I embedded the video on my blog post so that I can share my work. I made sure to change the permission settings to "anyone with the link".

I learnt that snowball poems are also called growing / shrinking lines because they increase or decrease by one word or letter.

An interesting fact is that snowball poems were created by Oulipo in 1977.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I learnt to write a new type of poem on my favourite weather summer.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

SLJ Step It Up: Silly Algebra

Today, I did a task in which I learnt BEDMAS to do substitution and solve some questions.

First, I watched this video so that I learn about advanced algebraic problems and get an idea of what I am going to do.

Second, I watched this video in which I learnt about Order of Operations (BEDMAS).

BEDMAS means Brackets, Exponents, Division and Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.

Third, I clicked two different pictures of myself using the webcam of my Chromebook.

Fourth, I edited the pictures using remove.bg which removed the background of my pictures.

Next, I made those pictures my variables and created algebraic questions that could be solved using BEDMAS.

The answer to the first question is 12. The answer to the second question is 4. The answer to the third question is 8.

Then, I added a black background, title, key, symbols, brackets and variables to my google drawings.

Lastly, I embedded my google drawings on my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that if we don't use the order of operations we will get a wrong answer.

An interesting fact is that the order of operation (BEDMAS / PEDMAS) was created in the 1800s.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to learn something new in maths that I didn't know before.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

SLJ Kick Start: Silly Algebra

Today, I did a task in which I learnt how to substitute a variable (letter) for a constant (number).

First, I read this article in which I learnt about substitution, variables, constants, negative numbers and powers.

Second, I watched this algebraic problem video so that I get an idea of what I am going to do.

Third, I opened this example google drawings and saw how to use images as variables.

Fourth, I chose my variables which were two pokemons (Dragonite and Charizard).

Next, I added a black background, title, key, symbols, brackets and variables.

Then, I thought about the questions that I would be writing. The answer to the first question is 55. The answer to the second question is -15. The answer to the third question is 7.

Lastly, I embedded my google drawings on my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that: A variable is a symbol or a letter for an unknown number in an equation. A constant is a value that doesn't change and is not a variable. Substitution is when constants (numbers) are replaced with variables (letters). A power of a number says how many times to use the number in a multiplication.

An interesting fact is that algebra was created in the 9th century by Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi who was a Muslim mathematician.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to learn more about algebra which I didn't know before.

SLJ Step It Up: Cicadas in Art

Today, I did a task in which I made a cicada dish digitally on google drawings.

First, I watched this video on photography and learnt that cicadas pose as rock stars in miniature art scenes.

Second, I read this article about how different cultures eat cicadas as their food and how America is trying a new thing.

Third, I thought of a dish that I could create from cicadas that would also be easy to draw.

Fourth, I copied a template that included three different types of cicadas and a picture of a plate.

Next, I used the shapes and fill colour tool to make the bread for my sandwich, my lettuce and my cheese.

Then, I added the cicadas as the stuffing in the middle of the sandwich. I also added two sauces which were sweet chilli and ketchup on the side.

Lastly, I took a screenshot of my dish and added it to my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that cicadas are low in fat and high in protein which is the reason why many scientists and food experts call it a superfood.

Five interesting facts about cicadas are that: they lay a lot of eggs, they are super loud, they get confused easily, they live a long time and they shed their skin.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to explore and learn about cicadas and how different cultures eat a variety of food.

My Cicada Dish

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

SLJ Kick Start: Cicadas in Art

Today, I did a task in which I made a drawing of a cicada on paper.

First, I read this article about cicadas exoskeletons and learnt about invertebrates. 

Second, I watched this video about cicada moulting and watched this video about cicada exoskeleton.

Third, I decided to make a drawing of a cicada instead of collecting the skins because I couldn't find any.

Fourth, I read this article so that I get an idea of how and what I am about to draw.

Next, I gathered a piece of paper, coloured pencils, sketch pens, pencil, sharpener and eraser.

Then, I drew my cicada on paper but it was too hard so I found an easier version to draw.

Lastly, I took a picture of my artwork and added it to my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that cicada wings inflate and expand so that their new skin can harden and in that process, they shed their old exoskeleton skin. 

An interesting fact is that an exoskeleton supports and protects an animal's body from outside. Many invertebrate animals (that do not have bones) have exoskeletons to protect their inner body.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because learnt how to draw a cicada and gain more knowledge about it.

My Artwork

SLJ Step It Up: Sun, Wind & Rain

Today, I did a task in which I made my own tv weather report in which I highlighted some special features of my area.

First, I watched this examply of Kindly Weather Report so that I get an idea of what I am doing.

Second, I created my script and tried to learn it so that I could use for recording my screencastify.

Third, I made a presentation in which I added all my information including pictures of icons, time, temperature, sky, clothes, my area and my new channel.

Next, I wore clothes that matches the weather I am sharing. I wore a t-shirt, shorts and a cap.

Then, I recorded my screencastify using my chromebooks webcam so that I can make tv weather report.

Lastly, I embedded my video on my blog post so that I can share my work. I made sure to change the permission setting of the screencastify to anyone with the link. .

I learnt that the goal of weather forecasts and predictions is to provide information to people so that they can be prepared for what is going to happen.

An interesting fact is that weather forecasters rely on computer data, satellite images and their own observations to forecast the weather.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I enjoyed being a reporter and making my own news on the weather for my area.

SLJ Kick Start: Sun, Wind & Rain

Today, I did a task in which I made a weather journal for 16th January 2022, Monday.

First, I read this story called "Sun, Wind or Rain" by Matt Vance in which people used to work out the weather in the past.

Second, I thought about my own place of what I have noticed about the weather.

Third, I watched this video so that I could learn how to create a weather journal at home.

Fourth, I recorded the weather three times in the day and payed attention to how the sky looks, the temperature and what kind of clothing I am wearing at that time.

Next, I used all the information and my collected data I learnt to make my weather journal digitally on google drawings.

Then, I searched for a picture for my background on the internet and added the title, day, date and a table that included the time, temperature, sky and clothes.

Lastly, I embedded my google drawings on my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that checking the weather and making a journal is very important so that you know what is happening around you.

An interesting fact is that you can tell the temperature by counting a cricket's chirps!

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to experience and be informed about the weather of my area and I learnt how to make my first weather journal.

Monday, January 17, 2022

SLJ Nanogirl: Make a game

Today, I did a task in which I made a game that I can play with my friends and family at home.

First, I looked at Nanogirl's video to learn what a game is and looked at some examples of different games I could make.

Second, I looked around for something lying around the house that I could re-use to make a game.

I found a piece of paper, sketch pens, pencil, eraser, sharpner and scissors.

Third, I searched on youtube and watched this video to make my tip top.

Fourth, I used the four sketch pens to color the top and wrote the numbers inside.

Next, I wrote down eight super powers under the numbers. The super powers were teleportation, super strength, invisibility, super speed, time travel, telepathy, telekenesis and immortality.

The rules of my game were is to chose a colour and two numbers so that the tip top can decide what super power you get in your magical world.

Then, I recorded my screencastify of me showing and playing my game while explaining the rules.

Lastly, I embedded my video on my blog post so that I can share my work. I made sure to change the permission setting of the screencastify to anyone with the link. 

After doing the task I thought of how I could improve my game. I think next time I could make the game bigger by adding more numbers and colours so that the answers do not repeat.

I learnt that a game is a way to have fun and play that follows some simple rules.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to make a game that I loved playing with my friends when I was small.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

SLJ Step It Up: Poetry Slam Rima

Today, I did a task in which I wrote a Clerihew poem on a fairy tale.

First, I read this article on clerihew poems and learnt its rules and how to write them.

Second, I thought of a fairy tale that I would be making my poem which was "Jack and the beanstalk".

Third, I became creative and made a drawing on my fairy tale because it was my choice to choose what to do.

Fourth, I gathered my pencil, eraser, sharpener, a piece of paper and sketch pens to make my drawing.

Fifth, I searched for pictures on the internet so that I get an idea of what I am going to draw.

Next, I coloured in my drawing and added a black border so it looks better.

Then, I clicked a picture of my artwork and added it to a google drawing as my background picture. 

After that, I added the lines of my poem in a text box and recorded a screencastify in which I read my poem.

Lastly,  I embedded the video on my blog post so that I can share my work. I made sure to change the permission settings to "anyone with the link".

I learnt that Clerihew poems can be made on anything and it just has to be funny with rhyming words.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to learn a new way of writing a poem.

SLJ Kick Start: Poetry Slam Rima

Today, I did a task in which I made a Clerihew poem on my favourite fictional character.

First, I watched this video in which I learnt the rules and how to make these poems.

Second, I saw some examples of Clerihew poems so that I get an idea of what I am going to make.

I read an example of a dog named Lily Bean and Franny's Clerihew Poem.

Third, I thought of a person that I would be making my poem which was Iron Man.

Next, I made a google drawings to add a picture of my character and write the lines of my poem.

The rules of writing a Clerihew poem is that - they are four lines long, the first and second lines rhyme with each other and the third and fourth lines rhyme with each other, the first line names a person and the second line ends with something that rhymes with the name of the person, they are meant to be funny and silly.

Then, I recorded my screencastify in which I read my poem from the start.

Lastly, I embedded the video on my blog post so that I can share my work. I made sure to change the permission settings to "anyone with the link".

I learnt that a clerihew is simply a four-line poem that makes fun of somebody famous using rhyming words.

An interesting fact is that Clerihew Poems were invented in 1905 by Edmund Clerihew Bentley, who wrote humorous rhymes on many people making fun of their names.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I found rhyming the words a little tricky and had fun writing the lines of the poem.

Friday, January 14, 2022

SLJ Nanogirl: Make a musical instrument

Today, I did a task in which I made a musical instrument using materials that I found at my home.

First, I looked at Nanogirl's video to learn what sound is and looked at some examples of musical instruments.

A musical instrument is a device that makes a sound created by making a vibration that wiggles the air molecules in our ears so we can hear it.

Second, I searched for what I could use to make different pitches and create my musical tune.

Third, I collected a chopstick and three glasses that were filled with different amounts of water.

Next, I thought of a nursery rhyme that I could learn easily and play as my music.

The music that I chose was "Mary had a little lamb" and practised it over and over again.

Then, I recorded my screencastify of me playing my song on my musical instrument.

Lastly, I embedded my video on my blog post so that I can share my work. I made sure to change the permission setting of the screencastify to anyone with the link. 

I learnt that when there is more water in a glass it makes a low pitch and when there is less water in a glass it makes a high pitch.

An interesting fact is that the instrument I invented is like a glass harp which is played in Rome, Italy. The rims of wine glasses are filled with water and are rubbed by the player's fingers to create the notes.

Something that I didn't know was that sound can be tested by putting your fingers on your voice box and humming. You will be able to feel a vibration on your fingertips which proves that sound is made by vibrations.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to make create my musical instrument and practise playing a tune on it.

SLJ Step It Up: Point Perspective Art

Today, I did a task in which I made a one-point perspective summer art on paper.  

One point perspective is a drawing method that shows how things appear to get smaller as they get further away, moving towards a single 'vanishing point' on the horizon line. 

First, I watched this video about creating a scenery using point perspective art. 

Second, I gathered a piece of paper, pencil, ruler, sharpener, eraser and sketch pens so that I draw my art.

Next, I started by searching for summer scene pictures on the internet so that I can practise drawing it.

I chose this picture because it reminded me of the huge farms that I saw when I went to a road trip.

Then, I colored my summer scenery and added a black border to it so that it looks better.

Lastly, I took a picture of my artwork and added it to my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt one point perspective art is a mathematical way of representing a three dimensional image on a two dimensional surface.

An interesting fact is that Filippo Brunelleschi was the first to explore and develop a one-point perspective system.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to do art and learn the science behind it.

My Summer Artwork

Thursday, January 13, 2022

SLJ Kick Start: Point Perspective Art

Today, I did a task in which I made a one-point perspective art on paper. 

First, I read this article so that I know what a one-point perspective is. 

Second, I watched this video so that I get an idea of how to draw a one-point perspective image.

Third, I gathered a piece of paper, pencil, ruler, sharpener, eraser and color pencils so that I draw my art.

Fourth, I started by writing my name in block letters and making one point on top behind the letters.

Next, I made lines that connected to the point and every letter of my name.

Then, I used my color pencils to colour the letters of my name and the shadow.

Lastly, I took a picture of my artwork and added it to my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that point perspective is when you have a 3D image that looks like everything stretches into a specific point called the vanishing point.

An interesting fact is that usually there is a horizontal line to split up the image we are trying to create.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I enjoy making optical illusions and one-point perspective art was something like it.

My Artwork

SLJ Step It Up: Geometric Animal Art

Today, I did a task in which I made a geometrical art of an animal that reminded me of summer. 

First, I watched this video in which a person made a butterfly on google drawings using shapes and line tools. 

Second, I watched this video in which a person made a bear on paper using a pencil and a ruler.

Third, I thought of my animal that makes me think of summer which was a fish.

I chose a fish because I see people fishing at the beaches on a hot summer day.

Next, I searched for an image of a fish on the internet so that I can trace it out.

Then, I used the shapes and lines tool to cut that big shape into small triangles and rectangles.

Lastly, I took a screenshot of my artwork and added it to my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that mathematical understanding is often required to create art.

An interesting fact is that there are over 30,000 different species of fish.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to use maths while doing very fun art.

My Geometrical Art

SLJ Kick Start: Geometric Animal Art

Today, I made did a task in which I made a geometrical art on an animal that reminded me of summer. 

First, I read instruction on this link and learnt how to make a geometric animal art. 

Second, I thought of an animal that would be easy to draw and is also related to summer which was a starfish.

Third, I outlined a star on a piece of paper and drew random dots in between.

Next, I joined those dots using a ruler so that they create different small shapes.

Then, I color coded my drawing and filled in the shapes so that it looks colorful.

Lastly, I clicked a picture of my geometrical art and added it to my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt how to divide a big shape into many small pieces and color code them.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to do art which is one of my favriote subject.

My Geometricl Art

Monday, January 10, 2022

SLJ Step It Up: Poetry Slam Wha

Today, I did a task in which I asked my family member to make a magnetic poetry using my words. 

First, I checked out magnetic poetry on dogs as an example so that I know what a magnetic poem is like. 

Second, I made a summer magnetic poem board in which I added my words that were on summer.

I included many nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, punctuations, pronouns, determiners and articles.

Next, I explained my sister what a magnetic poetry is and asked her to use these words to make a poem on summer.

Then, I used Screencastify to record my video of me reading my poem.

Lastly, I embedded my video on my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that people have been using magnetic poems with different themes but they are usually real magnets that can be put on the fridge..

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I had fun putting words together in different ways that sound interesting to me.

SLJ Kick Start: Poetry Slam Wha

Today, I did a task in which I made a poem using Magnetic poetry. 

First, I read some examples of spring magnetic poems made by young kiwis on these slides

Second, I made a copy of a google drawings that had many articles, determiners, pronouns, punctuations, adverbs, nouns, adjectives and verbs. 

Third, I thought of a topic that I will be writing my poem on which was ice-cream.

Next, I chose some words that I could use to make the poem. The important words were sun, melted, ice-cream, hands and sticky.

Then, I made the poem using the words and checked if it makes sense.

Lastly, I used Screencastify to record my video of me reading my poem.

I learnt that Magnetic Poetry is a way of creative writing consisting of individual words related to a particular topic which are creatively arranged into poetry.

An interesting fact is that Magnetic poetry was invented by Dave Capell when he couldn't think of what to write for a song.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to make a poem using a creative way.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

SLJ Step it up: One is a Snail Ten is a Crab

Today, I did a task in which I made a New Zealand version for the story One is a Snail Ten is a Crab. 

First, I thought of the animals that I would be using for my story. 

The animals that I chose were flamingo, kiwi, sheep, starfish, glowworms, spiders and crab.

I chose these animals because they are native and commonly found in New Zealand.

Second, I made a google presentation and changed its background to black.

Next, I searched an image for each animal and added them to the slides.

Then, I used my maths skills to count every animal's legs and label them. I also used multiplication to copy and paste the images so that I can answer big numbers.

Lastly, I embedded my presentation into my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt more about the native animals of New Zealand and how many legs they have.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I used multiplication and addition to do a fun task.

SLJ Kick Start: One is a Snail Ten is a Crab

Today, I did a task in which I made drawings of two humans and five animals. 

First, I watched all the videos to have an idea of what I am going to do. I found the drawings difficult so I searched for easier ones. 

Second, I found a piece of paper, pencil and eraser and drew all the seven drawings.

The things that I drew were a boy, a girl, a crab, a spider, a dog, an ant and a snail.

Third, I took pictures of my drawings using the webcam of my Chromebook.

Next, I made a google drawing and added a black background to it.

Then, I inserted the pictures and arranged them. I also labelled them.

Lastly, I embedded my google drawings into my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt how to draw many new things like a dog, crab and a snail.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to draw some things that I had never drew before.

My Drawings

Friday, January 7, 2022

SLJ Step It Up: Summer Essentials

Today, I did a task in which I made a summer collage with essentials.

First, I watched a video to learn how to make a collage of summer images using google drawings.

Second, I looked at Mr Ferguson's example of summer collage so that I have an idea of what I am about to do.

Next, I opened a google drawing and added all the images of my summer essentials.

Then, I arranged all the images and made sure there was the same amount of space between each image.

Lastly, I embedded my google drawings on my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that a collage means a piece of art made by arranging various different materials such as photographs and images. 

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I learnt how to arrange pictures and make a collage.

My Summer Collage

SLJ Kick Start: Summer Essentials

Today, I did a task in which I thought of some essentials that are important in summer. 

First, I watched the introduction video so that I know what to do.

Second, I listened to Summer Wonderland song by Air New Zealand.

Third, I read this Kiwi Kids New article about summer in New Zealand..

Fourth, I looked at Mr Ferguson's example of his top 10 summer essentials so that I have an idea of what I am going to do.

Next, I made a copy of the template presentation and wrote down what I and my whanau use to get through summer.

My top 10 essentials were sunscreen, water, ice popsicles, cap, deodorant, fruits, sunglasses, swimsuit, umbrella, jandals.

Then, I added an image of each essential and wrote why it was important.

Lastly, I embedded my presentation into my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that essentials are something that are absolutely necessary.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to think about the things that I will take with me on my next trip during summer.

SLJ Step It Up: Poetry Slam Toru

Today, I did a task in which I wrote a Tanka poem on something that reminds me of summer..

First, I I watched this video to get some more information about tankas.

Second, I read more about tankas on this site so that I get an idea of what I am about to do. 

Third, I thought about what comes in my mind when I think about summer.

I chose ice creams because it is my favourite desert and it is very refreshing to eat in summer.

Next, I created a google drawing and added an image of ice creams as my background.

Then, I wrote my tanka and made a screencastify while recording myself reading my poem.

Lastly, I embeded my screencastify on my blog post and made sure to change the permission settings to anyone with link. 

I learnt that that tanka is another ancient Japanese form of poetry but these poems have five lines. These lines contain 5, 7, 5, 7, and 7 syllables. It is a little bit like haiku but with two extra long lines.

An interesting fact is that Tanka means a “short song” and has been an important literary form in Japanese culture for nearly a thousand years. .

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to learn the difference between a haiku and a tanka poem.

SLJ Kick Start: Poetry Slam Toru

Today, I did a task in which I wrote a Tanka poem on something that reminds me of summer.

First, I watched this video to get some more information about tankas.

Second, I read more about tankas on this site so that I get an idea of what I am about to do. 

Third, I thought about what comes to my mind when I think about summer.

I chose ice cream because it is my favourite dessert and it is very refreshing to eat in summer.

Next, I created a google drawing and added an image of ice creams as my background.

Then, I wrote my tanka and made a screencastify while recording myself reading my poem.

Lastly, I embedded my screencastify on my blog post and made sure to change the permission settings to anyone with the link. 

I learnt that that tanka is another ancient Japanese form of poetry but these poems have five lines. These lines contain 5, 7, 5, 7, and 7 syllables. It is a little bit like haiku but with two extra-long lines.

An interesting fact is that Tanka means a “short song” and has been an important literary form in Japanese culture for nearly a thousand years.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to learn the difference between a haiku and a tanka poem.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

SLJ Step It Up: Summer Text Graphic

First, I created a google drawing and attached an image of summer.

I took a picture of lemons, oranges and watermelons because I like eating juicy fruits.

Next, I wrote all the words that reminded me of what I do in summer.

The words that I chose were watermelon, cold drinks, explore, beaches, heat, sunburn, barbeques, road trips, seashells, picnics, popsicles, sunshine, pool parties, flowers, ice cream, holiday, lemonade, sandcastles, swimsuits, camping, surfing, sunscreen, picnics, air conditioning, travelling, family, friends and fun.

I chose these words because all these words make my summer vacation special.

Lastly, I embedded my google drawings on my blog post so that I can share my work.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because it reminded me of the stress-free, relaxing, and fun times of summer.

SLJ Kick Start: Summer Text Graphic

Today, I completed a task in which I made a five-word text graphic in summer.

First, I opened a google drawing and added an image of summer.

I chose a picture of a beach because I enjoy going there with my family for picnics.

Next, I thought of some words that reminded me of summer.

The words that I chose were bright, fresh, delightful, humid and relaxing.

I chose these words because the sun is bright, it is fresh to drink cold drinks, it is delightful to spend time with my family, it is humid when I play outside and it is relaxing to sit in the shade at the beach. 

Lastly, I embedded my google drawings on my blog post so that I can share my work.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because it reminds me of what I do with my family and friends in the summer.

My Text Graphic

SLJ Step It Up: Celebrating New Years

Today, I did a task in which I mixed my picture with a New Year background.

First, I read through the instruction to learn about making images with transparent backgrounds with google drawings.

Second, I looked at Mr. Furguson's example so that I know what I am about to create.

Third, I took a picture of myself using the webcam of my chromebook.

Fourth, I used Remove.bg to remove the background of the picture that I took.

Next, I created a blank google drawing and found a New Year image of Auckland to use as my background. 

Then, I resized the picture to fit my drawing canvas and removed the photo of myself to layer on top of the background image.

Lastly, I took a screenshot of my google drawings and added it to my blogpost.

I learnt how to use a background remover and edit my pictures to make it more fun.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I can use this background remover again if I ever need to trick someone.

SLJ Kick Start: Celebrating New Years

Today, I did a task in which I searched how different countries celebrate New Year.

First, I read this article about New Year in other countries so that I get more information.

Second, I watched this video in which I saw how people do fireworks to celebrate.

Third, I used the information that I learnt from the article and the video to complete each slide of the presentation.

Fourth, I searched up all the flags of the countries on the slides and pasted them. 

Next, I checked what month every country celebrates New Year. I noticed that all the countries in the presentation celebrate New Year on January 1st or December 31st.

Then, I searched up what season it is around the world during New Year and the interesting ways different countries celebrate New Year.

Lastly, I embedded my google presentation on my blog post so that I can share it.

I learnt that different countries celebrate the same festival in different ways with their beliefs and traditions.

My favourite way of celebrating New Year in a country was Portugal because they wear something blue and it is my favourite colour. I also like how they make twelve wishes for the next year.

Something I found unique was that people in Brazil gather together to celebrate at Copacabana Beach and at midnight people throw flowers in the ocean.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to know how different every country is while celebrating New Year.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

SLJ Step It Up: Stick Figure Fun

Today, I did a task in which I made an animation with stick man drawings.

First, I watched a video of someone making an animation of stick figures.

Second, I used google slides to make my animation in which I moved a stick man to look like it was running and putting the basketball in the hoop. 

In the first slide, I used the shapes and line tool to make the stickman, hoop and ball. 

I copied and pasted my slides and moved the stickman a little bit so that it looks like it is moving. 

Next, I checked my animation to correct my mistakes and add more detail.

Lastly, I embedded my google presentation as an animation on my blog so that people can see it. 

I learnt that animation is a way of making a movie from many still images.

An interesting fact is that for 3D animations, objects are built on the computer monitor and 3D figures are rigged with a virtual skeleton.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because it reminded me of my favourite Youtuber Jaiden Animations who makes animation videos on her life.

SLJ Kick Start: Stick Figure Fun

Today, I did a task in which I made stick man figures doing different activities.

First, I watched the instruction video so that I know what to do.

Second, I found a piece of paper and a pencil to draw some stick figures doing sports. 

The eight activities my stick figures did were cricket, weight-lifting, tennis, hockey, basketball, sword-fight, ballet and volleyball.

Next, I took picture of my piece of paper using my Chromebook's webcam.

Then, I inserted the picture on google drawings and used text boxes to label each drawing

Lastly, I embedded my work in my blog post to show what I did. 

I learnt that a stick figure is a simple picture of a person in which the head is drawn as a circle and the body, arms, and legs are drawn as lines.

An interesting fact is that in a stick figure the head is most often represented by a circle, sometimes embellished with details such as eyes, a mouth or hair.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to do art which is one of my favourite things to do.

SLJ Nanogirl: Make an optical illusion

Today, I did a task in which I made an optical illusion that tricks my eyes and brain to think something else.

First, I looked at Nanogirl's video to learn what optical illusions are and looked at some examples of them.

Second, I searched up on the internet what type of optical illusion I can make.

Next, I made my optical illusion on google drawings which was a mixed cat and a duck. 

If you focus on the small triangle on the left of the head it looks like a cat but if you look at the two big triangles on the right it will look like the beak of a duck.

Then, I showed my optical illusion to my father and he thought it was only a duck but when he looked at the left side of the head he thought it was the cat. He was so surprised and asked what animal it was and I said it was both.

Lastly, I thought about how I could improve my optical illusion and I realised that the bottom part on the right side doesn't look like a duck's feet. Next time I would try to make it look better. 

I learnt that optical means to do with our eyes, and optical illusion is where our eyes see something that isn’t there.

An interesting fact is that traditional cartoons are made up of thousands of individual drawings that are shown so quickly that our brains think the drawings are moving.

Something that I didn't know was that light bounces differently through water than it does through the air which is called refraction.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to be creative in science and arts.

My optical illusion

SLJ Nanogirl: Find your fingerprint

Today, I did a task in which I collected my fingerprints and saw what type it was.

First, I looked at Nanogirl's video and learnt how to check my fingerprints.

Second, I used some powder on my thumb and put it on brown tape and did the same with my family.

Next, I stick the tape that had the fingerprints on a paper and labelled whose it was. 

Then, I checked what type of fingerprint me and my family members had. I realised that my mother and I have a whorl fingerprint, my father has an arch fingerprint and my sister has a loop fingerprint. 

Lastly, I clicked a picture with the webcam of my Chromebook and added it to my blog post.

I learnt that a fingerprint is a pattern left by the ridges that are on the insides of your finger.

An interesting fact is that there are three basic types of fingerprints are whorl, loop, and arch. The lines of a whorl look like a cyclone, the lines of a loop like a wave, the lines of an arch look like a mountain.

Something that I didn't know was that nobody has the same fingerprints, even if you are an identical twin your fingerprints are different which is why every fingerprint is unique.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I collected my families fingerprints and got to know how different they are.

SLJ Nanogirl: Build Something That Floats

Today, I built a boat from a bottle cap that can float.

First, I looked at Nanogirl's video and learnt how and what I can use to make a boat.

Second, I gathered the materials which were a bottle cap, toothpick sticky paper and scissors.

Third, I made my invention by making a hole in the bottle cap and poking a toothpick in it. Then I cut a traingle from the sticky paper and attached it on the toothpick. 

Next, I made a screencastify of me showing my boat and testing how much weight it can carry. I realised that my boat can only carry upto four orbeez balls because it sank when I added one more.

Then, I measured the distance of my boat and I relised it was very small to move. Anyways I tested and came to know it moved from the wind about 2 centimeters. 

Lastly, I thought to stick two horizontal toothpicks and add a folded paper between them so that it becomes a sail and uses the wind to move faster. 

I learnt that buoyancy is the reason why something floats. It describes how floaty or sinky a boat is.

An interesting fact is that things that float well usually have a lot of air in their structure. Wood floats really well becuase it has tiny air pockets in them and that is the reason why rafts are made out of wood. 

Something that I didnt know was, materials that are heavy compared to their size and dont have air in them are dense. One example is rocks because they sink in water and are not hollow.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I re-used and re-purposed materials to make my floating invention .

My invention

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

SLJ Step It Up: Found Sound

Today, I completed a task in which I created a rhythm with the instruments that I found in my house.

First, I used the butter knife and fork as drum sticks and the other items as drums.

Second, I thought of a rhythm and practised it over and over again so I can remember it. 

Next, I used my webcam on my chromebook to record myself playing my music.

Lastly, I changed the permission setting of the screencastify to anyone with link. 

I thought this task was so cool because I got to be creative by making my own drum.

I learnt that soundscapes are a collection of sounds and they are another form of storytelling.

An interesting fact is that ryhthm is a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because while I was recording it felt like I was in a concert.


SLJ Kick Start: Found Sound

Today, I completed a task in which I searched for materials inside or outside using whatever I can find to make sound.

First, I watched the tutorial video to know what type of items I can use.

Second, I thought of what materials can be used as my musical instruments. 

Third, I chose a packet of doritos, a pepsi can, a butter knife and a fork. 

Next, I tried making different sounds of different pitches and sounds from each instrument.

Then, I went outside and made a screencastify explaining what materials I picked and its sound.

Lastly, I made sure to change the permission settings to anybody with link.

I learnt that music doesn't need to be played with just instruments.

An interesting fact is that in ancient times, people used to play music with animal horns.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I by mistake broke two pepsi can while filming the screencastify and it was kinda fun. 

SLJ Step it up: Poetry Slam Rua

Today, I completed a task in which I made a Kenning about summer.

First, I read some examples of kennings about winter on the internet.

Second, I thought of some words that remind me of summer. 

Next, I made a google drawing and wrote my poem. I added a background and shaded the text. 

I added a picture of a beach because it is my favourite place to go. 

Then, I made a screencastify and recorded myself saying the kenning.

Lastly, I added my video to the blogpost and made sure to change the setting to anyone with link.

I learnt that kennings are often used when talking about nature and mythology such as Thor's laughter is thunder.

An interesting fact is that we use kennings in our everyday life such as book worm which means a person who loves to read books.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I learnt how to write a kenning on my favourite weather summer. 

Monday, January 3, 2022

SLJ Kick Start: Poetry Slam Rua

Today, I completed a task in which I made a Kenning of an animal that reminds me of summer.

First, I read about kennings and saw some examples on students blogs. 

Second, I thought of an animal that reminds me of summer which was a seagul. 

The reason I chose seaguls was because I see them everytime when I go to a beach.

Third, I thought of some words that reminded me of a seagul. 

Next, I made a google drawing and wrote my poem. I added a background and shaded the text.

Then, I made a screencastify while I was reading my kenning.

Lastly, I added my video to the blogpost and made sure to change the setting to anyone with link.

I learnt that kennings are like a riddle. Each line in a kenning has only two words and these words are joined using a hyphen.

An interesting fact is that kennings decribe something without saying what it is. Kenningts were originally used in Old Norse and Angle saxon poems. 

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to learn about kennings that I didnt know before. 

SLJ Step It Up: Photography Fun Perspectives

Today, I used my chromebook to create a video showing how to take photos using forced perspectives.

First, I clicked on a link and read the information about how to take forced perspective images.

Second, I made a presentation with the pictures that I clicked so that I could explain them. 

Third, I made a screencastify telling what was happening in the picture and how I clicked it.

For the first picture it looks like I am scared of the giant pikachu. I clicked the picture by going behind and putting the pikachu near the camera.

For the second picture it looks liked I am pushing the falling shoe. I clicked the picture by going behind and holding the shoe in a slanting angle.

For the third picture it looks like I am balancing on a big pepsi can. I clicked the picture by climbing on the wall far away  and holding the pepsi can near the camera. 

Next, I saved my video in my drive and copied the embed code.  

Lastly, I checked the sharing my permission and put anyone with the link setting.

I learnt that forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. . 

An interesting fact is that distance depends on the amount of size difference you want to achieve in the picture.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got improve in photography which I was not good at.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

SLJ Kick Start: Photography Fun Perspectives

Today, I clicked some fun perspective images using different items.

First, I watched the instruction video so that I know what to do.

Second, I watched the video to learn how to click forced perspective images and it explained the angles and positions for the items so that it can look smaller and bigger.. 

Third, I used my chromebook to create three fun perspective images for summer using forced perspective.

Next, I asked my sister to click pictures and hold the items while I changed position and acted like I was small. 

Then, I made sure I can set my camera to a timer to help take my images. 

Lastly, I made a google drawing and added all my images in it. I also labelled them.

The three top tips for creating fun perspective images are to hold the item near the camera so it looks like it is bigger and to put the item far away from the camera so it looks like it is small. You atleast need two people including yourself to do the task because the actor needs to act and the camerman needs to hold the item and click the picture. Make sure to use good acting skills so the picture has more emotions in it.

I learnt how to be creative while using acting, angles, positions and science. 

An interesting fact is that forced perspective is a photography technique that uses the space between your subjects to create an interesting or unusual relationship between them.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to learn how to click pictures using illusions.

SLJ Step it up: Magic Maths

Today, I practised some magic card tricks with a pack of cards.

First, I read the instructions and watched different card tricks I can do.

Second, I chose my favourite magic trick and practised it over and over again until I can do it without needing to watch the video. 

Next, I used my webcam on the chromebook to record myself trying the magic trick that I chose.

Then, I insterted my screencastify on my blog post. 

Lastly, I made sure to switch my sharing settings to "Anyone with the link" so that everybody can see it. 

After I did this activity I showed the magic trick to my family and they were very suprised. Specially my mother and she asked how I did it. Then I replied that "A magician never tells their trick!" 

I learnt how to mix maths and magic so that it can be more fun. 

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I learnt my first ever magic trick.