Monday, January 10, 2022

SLJ Step It Up: Poetry Slam Wha

Today, I did a task in which I asked my family member to make a magnetic poetry using my words. 

First, I checked out magnetic poetry on dogs as an example so that I know what a magnetic poem is like. 

Second, I made a summer magnetic poem board in which I added my words that were on summer.

I included many nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, punctuations, pronouns, determiners and articles.

Next, I explained my sister what a magnetic poetry is and asked her to use these words to make a poem on summer.

Then, I used Screencastify to record my video of me reading my poem.

Lastly, I embedded my video on my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that people have been using magnetic poems with different themes but they are usually real magnets that can be put on the fridge..

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I had fun putting words together in different ways that sound interesting to me.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora


    It is me Quein again a blog commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. It is fantastic to see the amount of effort you have put into your work. Thank you for sharing your creative mahi with me and your fellow bloggers. Firstly I was impressed by the clear and concise instructions on how you completed the task. This is great to see as it gives context to your blog and will encourage your fellow bloggers to have a go at the activity. It is Super Great!!! To see that you shared a screencast of you saying the poem out loud. You spoke very clearly and confidently when reciting your poem- Ka Pai!!!

    I love the summer poem that you have created. What tips could you give to your fellow bloggers about creating a poem?

    Keep up the Super work we look forward to your next blog post!!!

    Have a Super Summer!!!

    Ngā mihi,


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