Monday, January 24, 2022

SLJ Kick Start: Poetry Slam Ono

Today, I did a task in which I made a snowball poetry on a day at the beach.

First, I read this example of snowball poetry so that I get an idea of what I am going to do.

Second, I started thinking of a topic that was related to summer and I thought about the beach.

Third, I opened a google drawings and added a picture of people having fun at the beach.

Next, I added a heading and the poetry that I made on side of that image.

I made sure that each line is one word longer than the previous one while making my poetry.

Then, I recorded my screencastify in which I read my poem from the start.

Lastly, I embedded the video on my blog post so that I can share my work. I made sure to change the permission settings to "anyone with the link".

I learnt that snowball poems are also called growing / shrinking lines because they increase or decrease by one word or letter.

An interesting fact is that snowball poems were created by Oulipo in 1977.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I learnt to write a new type of poem on my favourite weather summer.

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