Wednesday, January 19, 2022

SLJ Step It Up: Cicadas in Art

Today, I did a task in which I made a cicada dish digitally on google drawings.

First, I watched this video on photography and learnt that cicadas pose as rock stars in miniature art scenes.

Second, I read this article about how different cultures eat cicadas as their food and how America is trying a new thing.

Third, I thought of a dish that I could create from cicadas that would also be easy to draw.

Fourth, I copied a template that included three different types of cicadas and a picture of a plate.

Next, I used the shapes and fill colour tool to make the bread for my sandwich, my lettuce and my cheese.

Then, I added the cicadas as the stuffing in the middle of the sandwich. I also added two sauces which were sweet chilli and ketchup on the side.

Lastly, I took a screenshot of my dish and added it to my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that cicadas are low in fat and high in protein which is the reason why many scientists and food experts call it a superfood.

Five interesting facts about cicadas are that: they lay a lot of eggs, they are super loud, they get confused easily, they live a long time and they shed their skin.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to explore and learn about cicadas and how different cultures eat a variety of food.

My Cicada Dish


  1. Kia Ora


    It is me Quein again a blog commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. WOW!!! It is great to see your skills with google draw, it was cool to see that you made a dish with the cicadas inside a sandwich. I think ketchup and sweet chilli would compliment the dish quite well. I think it was really good to see that you have explained that cicadas and other insects are “superfood” as they are very high in protein. It is super to see that you also included some interesting facts about cicadas. This will encourage and engage your fellow bloggers- Ka Pai!!! Once again I commend you for your step by step discussion and explanation of the activity.

    You should be proud of your amazing mahi!!

    I was watching a BBC documentary the other day and saw that insects are gonna be a popular food group/supplement in the future. They even showed their audience that insect powder can be used in cake mix. What do you think about this?

    Keep up the Super work we look forward to your next blog post!!!

    Have a Super Summer!!!

    Ngā mihi,

    1. Kia ora Quein,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog post and the feedback too.
      I think insects might be a popular food in the future because it has a lot of protein in it which makes it very healthy. It will also be cheap beacause the meat that we get from animals need a lot of money for the land but insects are just small will things.
      How and why do you think that eating insects would be popular in the future?
      Do you think that people will like eating it?

      Thank you so much!
      I am looking forward to your reply.

    2. Kia Ora


      Thank you for your comments and replies we all greatly appreciate it. Yes insects are a major source of protein and are very nutritional this is why they are also being used a lot in food. I think they are becoming popular as they are nutritional and there a lot of insects in the world.

      Keep up the Super work we look forward to your next blog post!!!

      Have a Super Summer!!!

      Ngā mihi,

  2. Good Morning Sahil

    You are off to a busy start this morning, getting your posts up early. Well done.

    I think your cicada sandwich is amazingly well drawn. Such detail. While nutritionally very good for you I don't think I'd be having one for lunch. I think lots of sauce would be first required.

    How popular do you think that they would be if they appeared on our school lunch menu?

    Your work is great both in the quality and the number of activities that you are completing. Keep it up. We are nearing the end.

    1. Kia ora Mr. Johnston,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog post and the feedback too.
      Yes, I would not like to eat that sandwich too.
      I don't think many people will like to have a cicada sandwich at school so it will not be popular on our school lunch menu.
      Do you know any other cicada dish? If yes, what is it?

      Thank you so much!
      I am looking forward to your reply.


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