Thursday, January 13, 2022

SLJ Step It Up: Geometric Animal Art

Today, I did a task in which I made a geometrical art of an animal that reminded me of summer. 

First, I watched this video in which a person made a butterfly on google drawings using shapes and line tools. 

Second, I watched this video in which a person made a bear on paper using a pencil and a ruler.

Third, I thought of my animal that makes me think of summer which was a fish.

I chose a fish because I see people fishing at the beaches on a hot summer day.

Next, I searched for an image of a fish on the internet so that I can trace it out.

Then, I used the shapes and lines tool to cut that big shape into small triangles and rectangles.

Lastly, I took a screenshot of my artwork and added it to my blog post so that I can share my work.

I learnt that mathematical understanding is often required to create art.

An interesting fact is that there are over 30,000 different species of fish.

I liked doing this Summer Learning Journey task because I got to use maths while doing very fun art.

My Geometrical Art


  1. Good morning Sahil

    What a great fish. A good use of the geometric pieces. A very full and detailed description on how you completed the task. There as you say are always lots of people over summer trying to catch fish, some more successful than others.

    Keep up teh great work. It sounds like you are really enjoying the Learning Journey.

    1. Kia ora Mr. Johnston,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog post and the feedback too.
      Yes, it is very hard to catch fishes and I think it is all about their luck.
      Many people do fishing at one spot but the fish only goes to one hook.
      What animal reminds you of summer? and why?

      Thank you so much!
      I am looking forward to your reply.

  2. Mōrena Sahil!

    It is Charlotte here again from the SLJ commenting team!

    It is so great to see you tackling this activity!! The fish you have created is fantastic! The colour scheme and the range of shapes you have used is superb! Again, great work including the steps you took in creating this artwork!!

    Fish is a very summery animal, you are right! Not a lot of people are successful trying to catch them though!!

    You show a lot of understanding behind this activity- ka pai! Keep up the fabulous learning, creating, and sharing!!

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Charlotte :)

    1. Kia ora Charlotte,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog post and the feedback too.
      Yes, it is very hard to catch fishes!
      When I was at the beach most of the people were just waiting for so long.
      What is your favourite summer animal? and why?

      Thank you so much!
      I am looking forward to your reply.


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